Request for Proposal – To Facilitate Advocacy Meeting with MoH to Advocate for Expansion of “Replication Package” of the VAS program to 5 Selected Provinces in Indonesia

Request for Proposal to
Meeting with MoH to Advocate for Expansion of “Replication Package” of the VAS
program to 5 Selected Provinces in Indonesia.


The Micronutrient
Initiative (MI) is an international Non-Government Organization (NGO) dedicated
to ensuring that the world’s most vulnerable – especially women and children in
developing countries – get the vitamins and minerals they need to survive
and thrive. With headquarters in Ottawa, Canada MI maintains regional offices
in New Delhi, India and Dakar, Senegal that manage our country offices in Asia
and Africa.


Initiative (MI) has supported VAS program in Indonesia since 2009 in 12
districts of six provinces (North Sumatera, South Sumatera, West Java, Banten,
Riau and West Nusa Tenggara). A coverage evaluation survey was conducted by MI
in 2012 comparing MI supported and non-supported districts. The key findings
indicated that at least 10% of the children are being missed from vitamin A
supplementation and highlighted that the role of MI supported extenders in the
district was considered important to improve the management of VAS program
including planning, supply chain, and reporting on coverage. On the basis of
these findings, MI continued to support in replicating the best practice which
were found to improve coverage and management of the VAS program at the
provincial level in those 6 provinces during 2012-2016.

To strengthen government commitment
and integrate VAS program with other Maternal, Child Health and Nutrition
programs, MI will support advocacy meetings to introduce the
“Replication Package” of the VAS program (which has been implemented in six MI
supported districts/provinces) to 5 new provinces. Therefore, MI is looking for an agency to
support MI and conduct these advocacy meetings with MoH to advocate for the expansion
of the “Replication Package” in 5 selected Provinces in Indonesia.


 The activities are planned
to be conducted in February – October 2017.

firm/institutions shall submit the following documents:
• Agency/Company/Institutions Profile with CV of team members
• Cover letter
• References (minimum 3 relevant experiences); 
• Proposal including financial submission (for bidding)

The detail Term of Reference (TOR) and
template for budget proposal for interested agencies on the following links:


for submission: 30th January 2017.

submit the documents to [email protected] using subject  line: Advocacy Meeting
for Expansion of “Replication Package” of the VAS program or send to The
Micronutrient Initiative, Gd. Wirausaha Lt. 2, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said kav. C-5
Jakarta 12940, Indonesia. 


The Micronutrient Initiative


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