RFP 053 – Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) Within the PT. Hutan Kencana Damai (HKD) concession area and surrounding villages in Ketapang, West Kalimantan.


USAID SEGAR is seeking an institution/organizations for an Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) Within the PT. Hutan Kencana Damai (HKD) concession area and surrounding villages in Ketapang, West Kalimantan. This assignment is potentially starts in May 2024 through August 2024, and is engaged through a fixed-price subcontractor agreement.  Application Code: RFP 053.


USAID SEGAR is a five-year (2021 – 2026) Activity designed to advance Indonesia development objectives in balancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use with inclusive economic and livelihoods development. To accomplish this, targeted subnational jurisdictions with high conservation values and high carbon stocks will be under improved management of natural resources that measurably conserves biodiversity, decreases greenhouse gas emissions from unsustainable land use, and promotes sustainable and inclusive economic growth. One of USAID SEGAR’s intervention strategies is to partner with the private sector to support green investment that advances biodiversity conservation, sustainable management of forests and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reductions.

In this context , USAID SEGAR has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with PT Hutan Kencana Damai (HKD) to support its ecosystem restoration and emissions reduction project. PT HKD holds a Principal Approval for Ecosystem Restoration Forest Utilization Permit (PBPH-RE) and is responsible for the management of a 12,868 hectare peatland ecosystem in Ketapang district, West Kalimantan. This permit includes several villages, namely Kuala Tolak, Tanjung Baik Budi, Sungai Putri, Tempurukan, and Sungai Awan Kiri. PT HKD will develop this landscape as an Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU) voluntary carbon project in accordance with Verra’s international Verified Carbon Standard and the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard (VCS-CCBS), as well as Indonesia’s National Registry System (SRN) standard. PT HKD plans to carry out restoration and forest protection, community development and biodiversity conservation activities as part of the project.

Based on this MOU, USAID SEGAR will recruit an accredited organization to conduct a Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) assessment of PT HKD’s concession area and surrounding villages in Ketapang, West Kalimantan. The classification procedure will refer to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (GPG-LULUCF) as well as other reliable reference methodologies/approaches.


  • Deliverable 1 – Annual Land Use Land Cover (LULC) Classification and Changes Analysis Report (including forest cover) from January 2014 to January 2024. The expected completion date is May 10, 2024.
  • Deliverable 2 – Annual Land Use Land Cover (LULC) digital maps in PDF and shapefile formats. The expected completion date is July 10, 2024.
  • Deliverable 3 – Final Report. The expected completion date is August 30, 2024.

Location of Work

  • Ketapang, West Kalimantan

Key Tasks / Stages

  • Develop a workplan document which includes the rationale for methods/approaches (including sampling method) and timeline to perform the consultancy. This item contributes to Deliverable 1.
  • Classify land use/land cover within the project zone of PT HKD over the last 10 years by remote sensing according to the requirements below:
    • Data Collection – This item contributes to Deliverable 1.
    • The satellite imageries used for LULC classification must meet the following criteria: Cloud Cover less than or equal to 10% with spatial resolution less than or equal to 10 meters.
    • The land use/land cover scheme used for classification must follow national standards such as SNI 7945-1:2014 on land cover classification, National Forest Emission Reference Level (NFREL), or another relevant standard.
    • For historical analysis, the referred satellite imageries for accuracy assessment must have higher resolution than satellite imagery used for classification.
    • The training and testing dataset for Land Use Land Cover analysis in the last year (2024) must be collected from field or ground truthed data.
    • Classification methodology – This item contributes to Deliverable 1.
    • Land Use Land Cover (LULC) classification is conducted by digital classification and not visual interpretation.
    • Training, validation, or testing of datasets must be evaluated by separability testing or cross-validation.
    • The classification must be supervised using a machine learning platform or remote sensing software such as ENVI, Google Earth Engine, ERDAS, SNAP, or others. Image classification using ArcMap Desktop is not acceptable.
    • The classification procedure refers to IPCC GPG-LULUCF or others.
    • Maps – This item contributes to Deliverable 1.
    • LULC maps must use legends of land cover maps produced by the ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF).
    • The projected coordinate system for the maps is UTM.
    • Accuracy Assessment – This item contributes to Deliverable 1.
    • The overall accuracy of the landcover classification maps must be higher than 90%.
    • The Cohen’s kappa value to determine the reliability of the result must be higher than 0.8.
    • The errors of omission and commission or other relevant terms must be lower than 15%.
    • Land Use Land Cover Change Analysis – This item contributes to Deliverable 1.
    • Calculate the area of annual land use/land cover changes over the last 10 years.
    • Identify forest cover change over the last 10 years.
  • Annual Land Use Land Cover (LULC) digital maps in PDF and shapefile formats.  This item contributes to Deliverable 2.
  • Development of Final Report.  This item contributes to Deliverable 3.


  • Institutions that have experience in carrying out Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover Change and has a portfolio that aligns with the expected outcomes within the scope of work.
  • Experience in working with international donor organizations, or with government authorities at the provincial/district/national level.
  • Experience in designing and implementing consultation/discussion, analysis, report writing, and auditing processes.
  • English literacy is an advantage.

Please refer to attachment for more detailed qualifications.

Basis of Award

The award will be made to a responsible offeror whose offer follows the RFP instructions, meets the eligibility requirements, and is determined via a trade-off analysis to be the best value based on the application of the following evaluation criteria. The relative importance of each individual criterion is indicated by the number of points below:

  • Technical – 25 points: Responsiveness to the technical specifications and requirements.
  • Delivery – 20 points: The confirmation and ability to meet the targeted deliverables.
  • Key Personnel – 30 points: The proposed CV of key personnel.
  • Price – 25 points: The overall cost presented in the offer.

Proposal Submission

Please submit your Proposal to [email protected] with the subject line “RFP 053 –  Institution Name”. The proposal must consist of the following documents:

  • Company Profile
  • Technical Proposal
  • Financial Proposal
  • CV of each proposed key personnel
  • Company establishment deed
  • Statement Letter of Tax Obligatory (PKP / Non-PKP)
  • Tax ID and its establishment letter (SKT)

The proposal will be reviewed on a rolling basis, which means that the review process will take place continuously as proposals are received. This approach allows for prompt evaluation and potential immediate awarding of the project, ensuring efficient and timely implementation.

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