RFP: Baseline Research on the Inclusive Economies in Cities to develop a programme of work in Makassar South Sulawesi Indonesia


Oxfam is a leading aid, development and campaigning not-for-profit organisation
with a world-wide reputation for excellence and over 60 years’ experience
working in Indonesia. Our purpose is to work with others to overcome suffering
and find lasting solutions to poverty. Currently we are looking  for

Baseline Research on the Inclusive
Economies in Cities to develop a programme of work in Makassar South Sulawesi

Inclusive economies involve providing
all citizens with access to an economically empowering and equitable environment
in which their livelihoods can thrive. In addition to furthering opportunities
for decent work through vocational and entrepreneurial training; social
protection, gender sensitive policies, financial inclusion, and basic services
provision must also be extended to urban poor groups in order for them
to be able to participate and contribute to the economic success of their
cities. These groups must also become more aware of their rights and enhance
their capacities for organization and association, in order to raise their
voice and hold governments and other stakeholders to account. Despite the
well-trodden achievements of the “Asian economic miracle” new economic
shocks born out of the increasingly interconnected nature of economies
threaten to further expose the fallacy of trickledown economics. Policies
on the local, and on the national level must therefore not focus solely
on quantity of growth, and the race for external investment, rather, they
must encourage new methods for bringing about economic growth for all.
This holds the potential to buoy urban and national economies in as yet
unexplored ways in Asia

Inclusive Economies must include
Informal Workers

For the New Urban Agenda to be truly
inclusive, the working poor in the informal economy must be recognized
for their contributions to economic growth and integrated in urban planning
and local economic development.  

At least two-thirds of the non-agricultural
workforce in Southeast Asia is informally employed, 8% or 26 million of
employed in SE Asia classified as the “working poor”. Majority of the
working poor, especially women, are informally employed. Urban poverty
has been rising, earnings of informal workers low but costs and risks are
high. Most informal workers trying to earn an honest living, not evade
taxes or regulations. Informal workers face a range of “decent work deficits”.
Women face specific disadvantages and vulnerabilities yet their earnings
crucial for survival of their households.

City officials, urban planners and designers,
local economic planners and all related stakeholder need to ensure that
informal livelihoods are not destroyed in process of urban renewal, urban
planning or local economic development; also the informal workers have
a seat at the policy table and a voice in all decisions that affect them
and provide special attention to the unique constraints and problems faced
by women informal workers and other vulnerable groups.

OXFAM’s approach:

Oxfam International is a global
movement for empowering people to realize and advocate for their rights,
and making key stakeholders responsive and accountable towards their needs.
We work with the poorest and vulnerable communities across the globe on
issues of gender justice, economic empowerment, and humanitarian assistance.
Our strategy is to work through local partners to reach out to these marginalized
groups to give them a collective voice and support them in climbing out
of poverty. Oxfam is a confederation of 17 affiliates with a staff of 7500
working in 94 countries around the globe and impacting over 20 million
lives. In the Asia region, we currently operate in 16 countries reaching
out to over 2.5 million people through various initiatives with a financial
outlay of $100 million. Oxfam aspires to support development of lasting
solutions to the injustices of poverty and envisions a world where people
are valued and treated equally, enjoy their rights as full citizens, and
can influence decisions affecting their lives.

Oxfam in Indonesia has the vision
that people in Indonesia will live equitably and free from injustice of
poverty, enjoy their rights, and are resilient in times of disasters. We
believes in a world without poverty and Oxfam can have a meaningful impact
in Indonesia when we link up with strategic allies that are capable to
empower poor women and men and their organisations become frontrunners
in overcoming poverty, vulnerability and inequality.  Oxfam in Indonesia
and its partners are part of a global movement that is capable of creating
lasting solutions for poverty and inequality. Women and girls are at the
heart of all we do and Oxfam strategically supports them. We believe that
women together with young people can be the champions of change in their
own lives, in that of their families, communities and in the society as
a whole.

Makassar context:
In term of economic structure, in 2013
Makassar is still dominated by trade, restaurant and hotel sectors. That
sector gives the highest contribution to Gross Domestic National Product
(GDRP)/PDRB of Makassar (about 29,4% of total GDRP). Other dominant sector
are manufacturing (about 17,11% of total GDRP) and services (about 16,09
% of total GDRP). Total GDRP at current price in Makassar in 2013 was 58,
8 billion rupiahs, while at constant price was 21,3 billion rupiahs and
Gross GDRP per-capita was IDR 42.075.455,-. Furthermore, data from Statistical
Bureau (BPS) of Makassar showed that in 2013 economic growth
in Makassar was 8,91%. It is lower than the previous year that was reach

Related to informal sector, the workers
could be divided into two forms; 1) individual business with employment
agreement; and 2) individual business without employment agreement. Two
of them are known as TKLHK (Tenaga Kerja di Luar Hubungan Kerja).
The government are starting to take bigger attention to TKLHK since years
ago; one of them by ratified the guidance of social insurance for TKLHK
in Ministry of Man Power’s regulation No. 24/MEN/VI/2006.

In 2012, there were some discourses
that the Government of Makassar had been developing the regulation for
TLHK social protection in Makassar which involving related parties such
as union, academics and entrepreneur associations. This regulation was
expected to support social insurance, decrease potential social risk for
TLHK, and encourages the owner of individual small businesses to give decent
wages to their workers; at least, the amount should be closed to the city’s
minimum wages (UMK) because currently they had paid lower.

Objectives of the Research:
The main objective of the research is
to establish a benchmark and baseline on current situation of social and
economic situation in City of Makassar with emphasis at Inclusive Economies,
Informal Workers (Home-based workers, Urban workers and Domestic workers,
etc) includes Women Informal Workersand to develop recommendation
on sustainable model and strategic actions in order to realize an inclusive,
creative and resilient city in facing ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) era.

·        Analyzing
existing data, legislation, local development planning, and policies around
2-3 types of informal workers in Makassar

·        Explaining
the challenges that these informal workers face with regards to EE

·        Identifying
entry points for Oxfam’s intervention or work

·        Mapping
out existing partners, unions, networks or local NGOs, etc that work with
these groups which could be our potential partners

Scope of work:
OXFAM Eastern Indonesia wants to work together with selected researcher

·        Assess
and provide (updated) data and information about current social-economics
condition of Makassar City to establish benchmark by conducting literature
review and key informant interviews such as local government, national
and local NGO, associations, communities, etc.

·        Provide
detailed data and information on the contribution of informal economy and
plight of informal workers to Makassar’ economic structure, challenges,
problems and the potential to support inclusive, creative and resilient

·        Analyse
the existing regulations/policy in regional and national level that will
be supported or constrained on realizing the Support to Informal Workers
(Home-based workers, Urban workers and Domestic workers, etc)

·        Identify
3 to 5 success stories of how national / regional / local governments have
managed and integrated informal workers effectively?

·        Develop
and discuss with stakeholders about the suitable model of inclusive, creative
and resilient city for Makassar and roadmap of strategic action plan to
achieve it. As well as the recommendation about which part Oxfam could
contribute to realize it and also the risks.

·        Identifying
entry points for Oxfam to support Informal Workers in Makassar

·        Identify
and map potential local partners and key stakeholders to work together
with Oxfam in implementing the strategic actions to support Makassar in
gaining inclusive and creative on Informal Workers in Makassar


The methodology in this research shall
include but not limited to interviews, documentation, site visits, and
stakeholder meetings. The consultant is expected to provide a detailed
methodology plan that includes the following:

·        Data
collection tools, protocols and procedures,

·        Procedures
for analysing quantitative and qualitative data,

·        Data
presentation and dissemination methods (reporting).

·        Inception
report describing how the primary and secondary data to be used in analysis
will be collected; anticipated information shortfalls and how these will
be addressed, stakeholder participation modalities and the work plan.

·        The
results of desk/ literature study submit and discuss with Oxfam EI team,
as well as detail plan for primary data collection.

·        Final
report (Hard copy and soft copy) presented, discuss and agreed with Oxfam
and other stakeholder.

Duration and Time Frames.
Within 40 working days (8 weeks)  over a period August and September
2016 the consultant must be completed the whole agreed task and deliverables.

tasks and deliverables

to be completed by the end of:

report presentation




data collection and meetings / FGD




of draft report




of final report


Budget and Terms of Payment
The payment for this consultancy will
be made in 3 installments following to schedule below:

·        The
first payment of 30% of the total agreed contractual amount will be made
after the submission of the Inception report.

·        Second
payment 30% after submission of desk study.

·        The
final payment of 40% upon approval of the final study report and all other

Researcher skills and experience.

Generally OXFAM EI is looking for an
expert in urban project who will work in output based scheme.  Applicants
of research should be a team, consist of 1 Researcher and 1 Co Researcher.
The team should possess main qualifications as follows:

·        Experienced
in urban planning, public policy, economics, law or a related discipline.

·        Familiar
with the ‘making markets work’ approach of urban areas.

·        Have
excellent report-writing ability as well as an established network of accessible
contacts among all the stakeholders the urban land market, i.e. community
organizations, developers, government officials as well as the key professional
associations working in the built environment.

·        Have
substantial background in working on urban poverty including informal economy

·        Proven
evidence of conducting participatory research

·        Essential
to have an adequate knowledge in community based development programs in
Indonesia area, gender issues and practical experience in field.

·        Has
experience in research on urban project and community based development

Specific Qualification:
·        Advanced
degree of a recognized university with minimum 5 years working experience
in research

·        Having
experience related to social, economic and ecological issues

·        Living/
working experience in Indonesia and proven cross cultural and gender sensitivity

·        Having
knowledge and understanding of concepts and culture relevant to urban poverty

·        Having
experience in participatory research on coastal community

·        Should
be willing to travel

Co researcher level should posses:
1.        Advanced
degree of recognized university

2.        Minimum
5 years working experience in research, good organizational and planning

3.        Having
experience related to social, economic and ecological issues

4.        Living/
working experience in Makassar South Sulawesi and proven cross cultural
and gender sensitivity

5.        Having
knowledge and understanding of concepts and culture relevant to resilience
and community based livelihood project

6.        Having
experience in participatory research on coastal community Having experience
in qualitative and quantitative data collection, specifically having experience
in Facilitating FGD and in depth interview

7.        Having
experience in qualitative and quantitative data collection, specifically
having experience as Facilitator of FGD and in depth interview

8.        Having
excellent communication and facilitation skills as well as interpersonal

Should be willing to travel

How to apply

If you are interested to apply, please
submit a proposal, along with curriculum vitae and proposed budget  by
Friday, 23 September 2016 through email to [email protected]
stated Baseline Research on the Inclusive Economies
on the subject of your email.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

We are committed to ensuring diversity
and gender equity within the organization

Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering

Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering

Oxfam GB is a member of Oxfam International and a company limited by guarantee registered in England No. 612172.Registered office: Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY.A registered charity in England and Wales (no 202918) and Scotland (SC 039042)

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