RFP : Consultant for policy and legal analysis on Violence Free School Study

Study on Violence Free School Programme in Jakarta and NTT

(IKEA Project)

Consultant for policy and legal analysis on
Violence Free School Study





The right of the child to
education is universal and well recognized in several international legal
instruments. In brief, children’s rights to education implies: the right to
access to education; the right to a good quality education; and the right to respect
in the learning environment. As with all the articles in CRC the right to
education should be seen in relation to the four core principles of the CRC
i.e. the best interest of the child; survival and development; the right to be
consulted and listened to and; and non-discrimination. The right to respect in
the learning environment should also be seen together with the right of the
child to protection from violence2 which applies in all situation and contexts,
including in the school setting where children spend large parts of the day.

Despite the fact that children
have a right to be protected from violence in schools according to the CRC, and
that corporal punishment in schools is prohibited in many countries, the school
environment is often not protected from violence and free from abuse. Limited
or non-existent reporting mechanisms puts children at risk and fail to document
the prevalence and frequency of violence and forms a need for the strengthening
of child protection systems and reporting mechanisms at community and school

In societies the school is a
key institution. Schools are important actors not only for building knowledge,
learning and development, but also for contributing to change and to spread
values. Although, education and schools sometimes also mirror negative
practices and behaviors in societies. Also, education is often politicized, and
the education sector, although often heavy regulated and steered by laws and
policies, is often rather slow to change.

In its new strategy between
2016-2020 Save the Children has two overarching ambitions, one relating to
child protection “Violence against children is no longer tolerated” and
one related to Education ”All children achieve relevant learning from
quality basic education
”. The proposed programme will contribute to both of
them. This further links to the Sustainable Development Goal 4 to Ensure
inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all and SDG (16.2) targets to end violence against children
and other related targets on child marriage, child labour amongst others. In
line with this Save the Children’s new strategy for the 2016-2030 period
include the overarching ambition that violence against children are no longer
tolerated. With these in mind, Save the Children is proposing a planning phase
for a larger global and national program which aim to reduce violence in
schools, communities and homes. We foresee that such a planning phase or
inception program will include a number of interlinked strategies: First of all
we will build a knowledge base on violence in schools and raise awareness about
the problem with governments and other international and national actors.
Secondly, SC will design and carry out evidence-based interventions in three
countries in order to improve policy, regulatory framework and practices as
well as present examples of how schools can work to reduce violence in the
school environments as well as in the community.

As enforcement of legislation
is difficult where the use of violence is a norm we foresee that the program
will reach out to those surrounding the child and will have a focus on
trainings for teachers and parents on positive discipline which can provide
alternatives to violence as discipline and promote a change in attitudes and
behaviours. Save the Children has also experience of training teachers in child
rights, child protection, child centred teaching methodologies and inclusive
education which can be used in this program. We are also planning to address
the problem of peer to peer violence and bullying.

Therefore Save the Children is
planning to conduct a Study on Violence against Children in schools and other
education settings within the community, in order to have the basis for
developing an innovation to creating positive change for children by developing
and proving evidence-based replicable breakthroughs for children and the
intervention design is based on existing evidence and adopted to the local


2. Objectives of the consultant


The consultant (s) will conduct a review of the
existing studies/ reference in relation to Violence in school settings

The consultant (s) will conduct review and
analysis on a comprehensive legislative/ policies in relation to violence in
school settings, as well as analyses of existing mechanisms against violence
in schools and program experience.

These analysis will also be guided by the concluding observations from
the CRC Committee to Indonesia


 3. Consultant should provide
following service:

Scope of consultancy





3.1    To
collect the previous and existing studies in relation violence against
children in education settings, summarize and compile the data

3.2    To
collect and analyze the gap of the existing regulation and any legislative
instruments in relation to prevention and response to violence against
children in Indonesia, at National and Sub-national level (in the sites of
the study), summarize them into the provided matrix.

3.3    To
facilitate a workshop, by presenting the results of data collection and gap
analysis to gain feedbacks and verification.

3.4    To
conduct in-dept interview with key informants



3.5    To
write a report

3.1.1       Desk review and collecting data/info

3.1.2       fill the provided matrix


Desk review and collecting

analyze the gap and fill
the matrix

Visit North Jakarta and
Atambua-NTT to collect data and info



3.3.1       Organize and facilitate a workshop with
relevant stakeholders at National level

3.5.1       To conduct in-dept interview with at least 5 key informants at
national level ()

3.5.2       Prepare an executive summary and a complete report




1)       In-depth
interview : Head of Ministry and relevant government
officials, Head of relevant NGOs, Academician

2)       Workshop :
GOs, NGOs, Academicians, Education and CP activists



Following are
deliverables that would be submitted by the consultant:

E-files of published
studies (National and International referring to Indonesia in relation to VAC
and Violence in School

E-files of policies and
regulation in relation to VAC and Violence in School at national and

Report, with 1-2 pages
of executive summary

Full report documenting
the existing studies and legislative instrument, gap analysis and

recommendations, 25-30 pages report in English.

2 set of compiled
matrixes (in English)


Time Frame

The duration of this consultancy is 2 and a half months
(mid of April – end of June 2016)

6.1    Desk
review and fill the provided matrix : 18
Apr – 15 May 2016

6.2    Desk review and analyze the gap and fill the
matrix : 4 – 30 May 2016

6.3    Organize and facilitate a workshop with
relevant stakeholders at National level : week
of 8th June 2016

6.4    Conduct
in-depth interview with at least 5 key informants at national level (GO, NGO,
Academician) : 16-30 May 2016

6.5    Submit
 an executive summary and a complete
report : 27-30 June 2016

7. Term of payment

Payment would be divided into 3 phases
after deliverable submission below:


First payment : 20%, 

signing contract


: 40%

Deliverables : when submission of
compiled matrixes of relevant studies and policy/ legal instrument on VFS and
after conducting the workshop


Final payment :

    Deliverables : after
submission of e-files, executive summary and full report



Send the electronic
copy of your proposal and the Expression of
Interest form and
CV to: [email protected]  with a
: VFS Policy and legislation analysis – <your name> with the
latest date 5 April 2016 5 pm Jakarta Time. Please do not send after this date.

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