RFP – Costing Analysis and Economic Research to Strengthen Investment in Civil Registration, Vital Statistics, and Identity Management (CRVSID) Systems in Indonesia
Project title: Costing analysis and economic research for strengthening of civil registration, vital statistics, and identity management systems.
Project duration: Maximum of 6 months
Project budget: Maximum of USD 50,000
Eligible country: Indonesia
Application deadline: April 21, 2024
Estimated start date: On or before June 15, 2024
- Purpose of RFP
GHAI is soliciting proposals from qualified economic research organizations or firms in Indonesia to enter a contracting agreement for the provision of independent, high-quality analyses that support sustained or increased investment in the national civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) system. This evidence will be used by government ministries, departments, and agencies as they defend their budget proposals to budgetary decision-makers, and with external donors.
- Background
GHAI is an implementing partner of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health (D4H) Initiative, which supports low- and middle-income countries in Africa, Latin America, and the Asia-Pacific region to improve CRVS systems and expand the use of data to enhance public health planning & policy development. Civil registration systems are the systems that register births and deaths, thereby creating and retiring an individual’s legal identity. Civil registration data is used to produce vital statistics, which are essential for government planning and policymaking. In some countries, we additionally support strengthening of linkages between civil registration and identity management (ID) systems.
Under the D4H Initiative, GHAI provides technical assistance to help countries strengthen their CRVSID systems through legal reviews and reforms, budget advocacy for increased and sustainable funding of CRVSID systems, projects that support gender equity in CRVSID, and civil society organization (CSO)-led advocacy to support these objectives.
Across all its programs, including D4H, GHAI supports its CSO partners through provision of grants and strategic technical assistance to strengthen political will through locally led generation of evidence and advocacy campaigns that push for stronger laws and policies and increased budgets.
Currently, GHAI is supporting legal review/reform, gender equity, budget advocacy, and civil society-led advocacy projects in several countries across Africa, Latin America, and the Asia-Pacific region and is expanding to select additional countries in 2024-2025. As part of phase 5 of the Data for Health Initiative (April 2023 – March 2025), GHAI has been requested to provide technical support for costing and economic analysis of national CRVSID strategic plans in select countries.
- Indonesia country context
Efforts to strengthen the population and civil registration system for the development of vital statistics in Indonesia began in 2019 through Presidential Regulation No. 62/2019 concerning the National Strategy for the Acceleration of Population Administration for the Development of Vital Statistics (AKPSH). The Ministry of Home Affairs is the lead for Task Force 1 in the AKPSH Secretariat structure and has the mandate to develop various population and civil registration services through the SIAK Database (Population Administration Information System). The development of vital statistics is one of the national government’s current priority programs. The goal is to integrate CRVS into the regional development planning system, including strengthening CRVS funding by integrating it into a local government budget mechanism (APBD) through new CRVS regulations at the national government level in 2024.
- Scope of work
GHAI is seeking technical assistance from a qualified vendor to conduct economic and financial analyses of the Indonesian CRVSID system, generate reports, and disseminate them to relevant audiences. Requested support from the sub-granted partner may include, but is not limited to, the following:
- For the ‘as-is’/current CRVS system – i.e., business as usual:
- Economic costing of the system (need)
- Analysis of sources and flows of financing
- Including external financing from donors and technical partners and government/public funding
- Including historical trends of funding for the CRVSID system and future projections of funding
- Gap analysis of need vs. available/projected financing
- Costing of the ‘as-desired’ system as defined in a multi-year national or subnational strategic plan, and/or costing of specific priority interventions in strategic plans
- Cost-benefit analyses, business case, return on investment analysis, and/or cost of inaction report (may involve economic modelling). This will show the additional investment needed for a fully functioning CRVS system and what direct and indirect benefits it would bring, in monetary terms, and/or the economic and social consequences of not investing/business as usual
CRVS budgeting and costing tools have been developed by partners under the Data for Health Initiative that may be useful for these assignments.
Selected partners will be funded for an initial period of 6 months to lead generation of economic and financing evidence supporting sustained or increased investment in the national CRVS system. This evidence will be used by government ministries, departments, and agencies as they defend their budget proposals to budgetary decision-makers, and with external donors.
Milestones and deliverables:
- Research
- Stakeholder engagement
- Collect data at both national and sub-national levels (with the focuses in 4 provinces – one district with one municipality focus in each four selected provinces)
- Conduct quantitative analysis and prepare the research report(s) to support the Ministry of Home Affairs in strengthening CRVS policy and regulation frameworks in the sub-national level financing system
- Submit draft reports to GHAI and government partners for input and finalization
- Dissemination events to launch the reports
- Use the reports to develop one or more policy or regulation proposals
- Qualifying requirements
- Extensive specialist knowledge and expertise in economic and social development issues, particularly with respect to civil registration and vital statistics and political and fiscal decentralization, in Indonesia
- Extensive experience in health economics and economic evaluations with highly qualified experts and support staff
- Track record of conducting similar, large-scale costing studies for government ministries.
- Experience generating economic evidence to inform policy.
- Excellent report writing and presentation skills in local language and English.
- Well-established network of advisors, senior researchers, and collaborators.
- Strong collaboration with national governmental ministries and agencies, international stakeholders, and civil society groups.
- A working agreement with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Indonesia, is preferred.
- Submission instructions
If your organization is interested in working with GHAI, please provide a concept note (4 pages maximum) that clearly and precisely provides the following information:
- Organization’s name, address, and a 1-paragraph overview
- Qualifying requirements
- Description of organization’s capabilities to perform the work (experience and expertise)
- Staff experience and qualifications
- Links to samples of 2-3 recent, relevant work products
- Technical proposal
- Methodological approach
- Proposed workplan
- Financial proposal (budget)
Proposals are due to Om Bera ([email protected]) and Jamil Gunawan ([email protected]) by April 21, 2024.
- Selection process:
Each vendor will be evaluated using the following criteria:
- Qualifications of the institution and team who will provide the technical assistance; experience in economic analyses and modelling
- Strength of proposal
- Proposed budget
- Ability to liaise with the Ministry of Home Affairs and other relevant government ministries and agencies.
More Information
- Salary Offer Maximum USD 50.000