RFP : Creative Consultant to Develop Nutrition and Child Wellbeing Assessment of BERMAIN Project
Creative Consultant to Develop Nutrition and Child Well being Assessment of BERMAIN Project in North Jakarta
Sayangi Tunas Cilik – Save the children is a leading, private
child-focused non-governmental alliance of 29 member organizations that
in 120 countries throughout the world. Save the Children has worked in
Indonesia since 1976 to promote health and nutrition, education, child
protection, livelihoods, and emergency preparedness and response.
Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik – partner of Save the
Children is implementing BERMAIN Project in North Jakarta. BERMAIN Project (Better Education
through emphasizing Right to play for More Attainment of early childhood Improvement in North Jakarta) is a Mattel Funded Project; designed as project
to help
teachers and parents understand and implement the concept of “play”
and advocate with government and other key stakeholders to encourage
developmentally appropriate practices that promote play as a way of
learning for young children.
During 2017, BERMAIN will
implement the program in 21 ECCD centers (11 existing ECCD centers and
another 10 additional ECCD centers) in North Jakarta.
In light of comprehensive
ECCD programming, there is a plan to elaborate possibilities of holistic
integrated ECCD program, incorporating element of learning,
health-nutrition and protection. All recommended health
and nutrition interventions for ECCD programs can fit broadly into the
following four pillars
1) Access to key health and nutrition services
2) A safe and healthy learning environment
3) Healthy practices
that promote child survival, growth and development (by caregivers,
ECCD teachers/posyandu cadres and children themselves)
4) A supportive community and policy
Overall the assessment will help us implementing the scale up of
ELM play kit alongside the health and nutrition interventions to improve
both cognitive development and nutritional practices among young
1. Objectives of the Consultancy
The consultant team will be required to work as a Nutrition & Child Well being Assessment Consultant
Responsibilities of the Consultant
The consultant is responsible to carry out the following activities:
Activity 1 – Design and field test of the base line survey instrument:
- Review key documents, logic model, project proposal, monitoring and evaluation plan and instrument;
- Consult with local partners and Save the Children/Staff on survey plans;
- Prepare of preliminary and final survey drafts for translation, field testing and adjustments
- Consult with Save the Children staff on survey modifications prior to and following field testing.
Activity 2a – Sampling:
- Design sampling methodology, calculate sample size;
- Conduct sampling;
- Include the above in the final report to Save the Children.
Activity 2b – Plan, design and implement training of enumerators and supervisors:
- Recruit a sufficient number of enumerators;
- Prepare training plan and field work protocols according to agreed methodologies;
- Create a survey manual for enumerators and supervisors,
which includes step-by-step instructions on data collection and guidance
on handling problems and questions arising during data collection; - Train enumerators;
- Create a data entry, cleaning, and analysis plan;
- Discuss with local partners and Save the Children/Staff.
Activity 3 – Implement and supervise field data collection, data input and cleaning:
- Coordinate with local partners and Save the Children/Staff;
- Prepare materials and equipment;
- Notify partners and communities;
- Deploy enumerators to the field;
- Process data: primary processing, file cleaning, file comparisons and validation, tabulations.
Activity 4 –Analyze and synthesize data
- Prepare initial results in output tables;
- Discuss initial results with local partners and Save the Children/Staff;
- Analyze and synthesis data;
- Revise impact indicators and discussion;
- Prepare reports in both Indonesian and English.
Activity 5 – Conduct final presentation.
- Coordinate a final presentation for local staff and Save the Children/Staff in both Indonesian and English;
- Deliver final report, documents, files, and other materials.
Applicants MUST address the following areas in their proposals:
- Institutional Capacity/ institution reference (format
attached). Consultant firm must submit related experiences according to
the requested research by Save the Children. Including relevance
research report from previous work. - Applicants must
present in narrative format a description of their: (i) company profile
(supplemental material may be placed in the annex); (ii) organizational
capacity to conduct the scope of work; (iii) previous experience
conducting similar
work; (iv) training capacity; and (v) letters of support (attached in
the annex). - Technical Proposal
- In the
technical section, applicants should describe their approach to the
following: (i) questionnaire design, design research, research method
and implementation; (ii) sample size calculations and sampling design;
(iii) analysis plan; (iv) enumerator
and supervisor training; (v) fieldwork; (vi) data processing; andmethodology for data quality assurance; (vii) data analysis; (viii)
technology used for data entry & analysis; (ix) timeline &
Person in Charge for each activity
For more information please visit the link : https://www.stc.or.id/join-us/karir/creative-consultant-to-develop-nutrition-and-child
Submission of proposal
Proposal should be submitted electronically by Monday, 27 March 2017, 5 pm Jakarta time at the latest to [email protected] with Consultancy for Nutrition
North Jakarta as the subject of the email.