RFP – Firm Consultant for Base line study for IDEAL project in West Java

Terms of Reference (TOR)

Baseline Study of IDEAL Project



Save the Children is an
international non-profit organization that focuses on the fulfillment of
children’s rights. Save the Children was first established in May 1919 in the
UK and to date has 28 Save the Children offices and operations in more than 120
countries worldwide. In 1976, Save the Children signed a MoU with the Ministry
of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, followed by the operation of
Save the Children in Indonesia. Currently Save the Children in Indonesia are
working in 12 provinces with a variety of program areas, including Early
Childhood Education and Elementary Education, Health and Sanitation, Improved
Livelihoods, Child Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction.


The previous project has been successful in
achieving the objectives. The project contributed to improved capacity of
caretakers in taking care of children with disabilities (CWD) in their homes.
There were noticeable improvements for 1,304 children in at least three out of
four development domains (physical, cognitive, social, and emotional). The
project also contributed to increased access of CWD to quality education and as
many as 728 of out of school CWD (significantly more than initial target of
500) have been enrolled in school.



In IDEAL project, baseline data is very
important to examine the impact of the programme overtime. Therefore, it is
essential baseline data to be collected carefully, and that all methods and data
collection tools are well documented, so that the exact same methods and tools
can be used for future data collection.  Baseline
data collection will focus on the initial values for the indicators identified
in the Results Indicator Planning Tool, complemented by qualitative
information that may help explain those values.


project goal is to increase access to
quality inclusive education for children with disabilities to attain their
right to education and protection
. This will be achieved through
establishing and strengthening an integrated and inclusive school and community
model in total 20 schools; 12 primary schools and 8 junior high schools in West
Java province.


project will work with government, Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) &
CWD’s Family Forum (FF), Disability People’s Organizations and civil society
organizations. The Government, particularly Inclusive Education Department of
West Java and Ministry of Social Affairs (MOSA) is engaged in project implementation
as key partners.


1:  Strengthen Provincial and 7 District
Governments to ensure provision of rights to education and protection of CWDs
in West Java.

IO 2: Support government in strengthening
systematic integrated community support for CWDs through Community Based
Rehabilitation (CBR) & CWDs Family Forum (FF)

IO 3:  Increase
awareness on Inclusive Education and Family Based Care (FBC) for CWDs through
promoting best practices at provincial / national level.

IO 4: Strengthen civil society to promote the
rights of CWDs particularly the right to education and protection.


Main Requirements:

1.     To provide initial
data/information on project’s indicator mentioned above including analysis on
contributing factors to existing condition

2.     To review existing instruments
to measure quality learning environment in inclusive education context   

3.     To
provide recommendation for implementation of IDEAL Project in West Java

4.     To
provide recommendation for standardize instrument of quality environment in
inclusive education setting  




baseline study will be conducted by quantitative and qualitative method.
Quantitative study will be carried out for parents and teachers. On the other
hand, qualitative study will be delivered for children, parents, teachers,
headmasters, school committee, community cadres, school supervisors, DEO,
sub-district education office (SDEO), DSO, Sub-District Social Office (SDSO),
Sakti Peksos, P2TP2A, BKBPP, and representatives.



This project will implement in 7 district in
West Java Province in total of 12 villages at 8 sub districts, and 12
elementary school and 8 juior high school. The estimation total of students of 17.200
students and 400 teachers. The
target will be taken from these 20 schools targetbelow:



Time period May
up to July 2016, t
he consultancy is expected to start on 16 May 2016
and to be completed by 30 July 2016



The consultant
shall carry out the following activities:

Activity 1 – Design and field test of the

base line survey instrument:

2a – Sampling


2b – Plan, design and implement training of enumerators and supervisors:

Activity 3 – Implement and supervise field
data collection, data input and cleaning


1)    Final
instrument for the baseline survey and including analysis matrix plan

2)     Field manuals for enumerators;

3)    A
detailed report on the sampling – including specifics on the design,
methodology, and sample size calculations;

4)    Field
implementation plan with protocols for enumerators and supervisors;

i.     Electronic
results for questionnaire and in-depth interview data collection, include audio
and video recording for focus group discussion and key informant interviews

ii.     Digital
copy of data from questionnaire using Microsoft Excell and SPSS format

iii.     Copies
of all notes and documents from the data collection process

5)    Data
entry application (mobile preferred), quantitative & qualitative raw data;

6)    Training
of the required number of enumerators, supervisors and data entry staff;

i.     Two
printed and electronic copies (on 2 CDs/DVDs) of the final report in Indonesian
and English using Save the Children formats, to include: Executive Summary, Background,
methodology, Objectives, Results presented in narrative and tables, using
descriptive and statistics, Summary, Recommendation, Annexes material

7)    Electronic
copies of final presentation

8)    Power
presentation for initial and final presentation


Cost estimates

Applicants must provide a detailed financial
proposal that covers the following items and includes a narrative on the
assumptions behind their estimates:

a)    Salaries.
Includes personnel for technical assistance, data collection, data entry and
analysis (e.g. staff, interviewers, supervisors and drivers).

b)    Daily
costs for lodging, meals, and incidental expenses during training and during
fieldwork; mode of transportation; vehicle rental; gas (breakdown items)

c)    Printing.
Includes survey questionnaires, interview guides, and final reports.

d)    Communications  (e.g. telephone, fax)

e)    Supplies.
Includes paper, pens, and other materials for fieldwork.

f)     Training

cost estimates ; – assessing cost estimates
against the implementation plan.


       I.  Terms and Conditions of Solicitation

Period of Validity

The proposal shall be valid for a period of 50 days, starting from the
submission date.

Notice of Non-Binding Solicitation

Save the Children reserves the right to reject any and all bids
received in response to this solicitation, and is in no way bound to accept any
proposal. Additionally, we reserve the right to negotiate the substance of the
finalists’ proposals, as well as the option of accepting partial components of
a proposal if appropriate. Quantities provided are estimates only at this time
and will be subject to change.


All communication regarding this solicitation shall be directed to
appropriate parties at Save the Children. Contacting third parties involved in
the project, the review panel, or any other party may be considered a conflict
of interest, and could result in proposal disqualification.


can send an electronic copy of your proposal and Power point presentation
material to: [email protected]
a Subject: BASELINE IDEAL – <your company name> with the latest date: 16
May 2016, before 05.00 pm Jakarta Time. Please do not send after this date.

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