Risk Management, Economic Sustainability and Actuarial Science Development in Indonesia (READI): Office Manager Position in Jakarta, Indonesia

RiskManagement, Economic Sustainability and Actuarial Science Development inIndonesia (READI)

                                                                                                                                                                 Office Manager

Terms of Reference

1.0          READIProject Background

The Program/Project/activity is undertakenwith the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through theDepartment of Global Affairs Canada (GAC), with the University of Waterloo(uWaterloo) serving as the Canadian Executing Agency (CEA). The objective ofthe project is to establish Indonesia as a regional centre of actuarialexcellence. The project is working with a range of key stakeholders – includinghigh schools and universities, the insurance and pensions industry, Indonesia’sprofessional actuarial association, and government agencies – to: (1) increasethe number and quality of Indonesian actuarial science graduates available toIndonesian businesses, uni­versities and government agencies; (2) strengthenthe linkages between industry, government and edu­cational institutions insupport of actuarial science and risk management; and (3) deepen the under­standingof actuarial science and risk management as a profession.2.0          Scope of Work

This position is responsible for human resources administration,trainee support, management of facilities and equipment, data and reporting,and other administrative functions required to support the outcomes of theProject. The Office Manager reports to the READI Field Director. This will be a six month contract with an opportunity of renewalbased on performance at the end of the six month period.

3.0          Specific Responsibilities Office management, including but not limitedto:·        Overallsupervision of the project office, including physical space, financials, andhuman resources

·        Ensuringthe efficient and equitable use of facilities and equipment includingallocation of space

·        Overseeingmaintenance and repairs·        Planningand coordinating moves·        Coordinationof in-country activities

·        Providingsupport for the planning and execution of various special events as necessary

·        Serving asa resource for the interpretation and application of policies, guidelines andpractices

·        Monitoringhealth and safety guidelines

Financial administration including, but notlimited to:

·        Supervisionand implementation of financial and accounting systems for all expenditures inIndonesia

·        Ensurecompliance with University of Waterloo and DFATD accounting requirements

·        Preparation  of cash flow statements and financial reports

·        Prepare regularreports, including projections, and monitor expenditure and budgets to preventover expenditure in consultation with the relevant project members.

·        Authorizingand controlling all petty cash expenditures.·        Monitoringand insuring the correct disbursement of trainee allowances, per diems andwhere appropriate, tuition fees.

Human resources administration, including butnot limited to:·        Hiring,training, evaluating and coaching of all locally hired staff, ensuringcompliance with local employment law as well as University policies

·        Maintainingpersonnel files, work schedules and vacation records for faculty and staff inaccordance with University policies·        Providesupport for visas, international travel, and accommodations

·        Ensuringprocesses are in place for recruitment, evaluation and pay of temporaryemployees, co-op students.·        Prepareappointment and payroll forms

·        Informappropriate staff responsible for assignment of space, equipment, keys,telephones, and computer accounts

4.0           EstimatedLevel of Effort and Timing

Working Hours:

·        Minimal demands typical of anadministrative position within an office environment

·        Regular working hours,occasional evening/weekend work required to accommodate time difference inlocation

Reporting: Incumbent would report to the READI FieldDirector

Start Date: September 2016

Salary: Will be based on qualifications. Position iscontingent on funding.

Deadline to submit resume: July 27, 2016

Please submit resume to Laura Wilson, READI Project Officer at [email protected]

5.0          Criteriafor Selection (Qualifications and Experience)

– University degree and relevant previous work experience in a university, industry or development project setting.

– Financial and human resources administrative experience required

– Ability to adapt to changing administrative and financial systems

– Independent judgment in areas of time management, task prioritization and decision-making

– Proven ability to manage a large volume of work, conflicting priorities and deadlines

– Exceptional verbal and written communication ability

– Excellent interpersonal skills

– Strong internet and computer research skills

– Project coordination experience

– Intermediate experience with Outlook Express, Microsoft Word; advanced experience with Microsoft Excel, including features such as databases and pivot tables. Basic experience with Sharepoint and web content management software.

– Must be fluent in Indonesian and English, both orally and verbally


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