Seeking for Proposals – MAMPU Indonesia, Panel Arrangements for Services (Multiple) in Phase II
Seeking for Proposals – MAMPU Indonesia,
Panel Arrangements for Services (Multiple) in Phase II.
Cowater International Inc. is a Canadian
private-sector international development and management consulting firm, with
experience managing and implementing projects in more than 60 countries
worldwide. Cowater is the Managing Contractor for the
“Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction” Program or “Maju Perempuan
Indonesia untuk Penanggulangan Kemiskinan” (MAMPU) Program funded by the
Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).
The MAMPU Program supports networks and
inclusive coalitions of women’s and gender-interested organisations, and
parliamentarians (the MAMPU partners) to influence government policies,
regulations and services, and in selected private sector arenas. Ultimately,
this work aims to improve the access of poor women in Indonesia to critical
services and programs.
To support the ongoing implementation of
the MAMPU Program in collaboration with the national and local partners and
stakeholders of the program, Cowater is seeking to establish standing offer
arrangements (or “Panel”) in multiple service categories with both individuals
and firms who possess a wide range of skills, capabilities, and areas of expertise.
Cowater will use a ‘Panel’ as its
preferred sourcing method to support delivery of the MAMPU program to 2020.
Please note that bidding on this Standing
Offer tender will not disqualify firms/individuals from also bidding on
subsequent tenders.
International and national
individuals/firms with the requisite technical expertise/skills are encouraged
to apply to one or more of the following service categories:
- Focus Area One:
Organisational Strengthening - Focus Area Two:
Analysis, Action and Advocacy - Focus Area
Three: Networking and Learning - Focus Area Four:
Partner and Parliamentary Linkages - Focus Area Five:
General Program Management
What is a Standing
Offer Panel?
A Standing Offer is an agreement that sets out the terms and conditions
under which a Supplier agrees to supply goods and/or services for a specified
period of time.
The Deed of Standing Offer (the agreement) includes standard contract
terms and conditions, the broad scope of services to be provided by the
Supplier, pre-negotiated management fees and contact details of the Supplier. When MAMPU requires a particular service it will issue a Request for Quote to
panel members. If the supplier accepts the job MAMPU will then issue a Service
Order detailing the exact nature of the requirement. The issue of the Services
Order creates a contract between MAMPU and the Supplier on the terms and
conditions specified in the Deed of Standing Offer. Each Services Order is a
separate contract.
Offers are an efficient and preferred method for engaging Suppliers because
- Offer a wide choice of Suppliers that have
been pre-screened and selected through a competitive open tender process which
ensures value for money; - Provide
streamlined access to Suppliers through the use of a standard, simple agreement
template (Services Order); - Allow staff
to efficiently and quickly source Suppliers; - Reduce procurement lead time allowing
flexible and rapid responses to changing requirements for aid program services;
and - Reduce internal transaction
costs for staff, contributing to efficiency and facilitating an increased focus
on tasks which contribute to value for money in the aid program.
Click on the following link below to see more details for each category
(Link to see the Terms of Reference)
General Selection Criteria – Individuals:
- Includes
individual applicants (applicant is not applying as part of a legal company,
organisation or firm. Can include ‘sole traders’.) - Demonstrated
experience and expertise in the selected service category; - ‘Senior’ level (min. 10 years of relevant work
experience) and ‘intermediate’ level (min. 5 years of relevant work experience)
consultants preferred; - University degree in a relevant field;
- Experience working on DFAT or other donor-funded programs
considered an asset; - Strong oral and written communication skills in
English and/or Bahasa Indonesia; general proficiency in oral and written
English or Bahasa Indonesia is required.
General Selection
Criteria – Organisations:
- An Organisation/Firm
is two or more people applying under a single “corporation or trading
entity’. The applicant organisation/firm
must be legally recognized (such as PT, Yayasan, Inc. or P/L etc.) - Demonstrated
experience and expertise in the selected service category; - ‘Senior’ level (min. 10 years of relevant work
experience) and ‘intermediate’ level (min. 5 years of relevant work experience)
consultants preferred; - Experience working on DFAT or other donor-funded
programs considered an asset; - Strong oral and written communication skills in
English or Bahasa Indonesia; general proficiency in oral and written English or
Bahasa Indonesia is required
To Apply:
Cowater invites interested
individuals/firms to express interest to one or more of the above service
- CV and covering
letter outlining your suitability to provide the required services; - Nominate which Panel Category you are applying for
(you may nominate more than one category if skills are relevant and matchdifferent panel categories);
- If applicable write your Australian Remuneration
Framework Category and Level (only applicable to foreign nationals); - Do not add more than one CV to your application – note
that individuals can NOT add other
individuals to their Request for Quote proposals at a later date. - Daily fee
rate – you must include your daily rate in Australian Dollars or Indonesian Rupiah (not in US dollars);
Cowater reserves the right to negotiate proposed rates prior to
selecting/confirming individual consultants. - and
- A list of
contact numbers and names of three (3) referees.
- Nominate
which Panel Category your organisation is applying for (you may nominate more
than one category if your organisation’s skills are relevant to and match
different panel categories); - Submit a
brief organizational profile
outlining relevant organisational experience - Provide CVs of proposed key consultants to
undertake assignments (include at least two professional referees
for each CV). Do not list more than 5 key consultants per panel
category in your organisation’s application. For example you may submit 5 CVsfor Focus Area One and an additional 5 CVs for Focus Area Three. Organisation applicants are ALLOWED to add non-listed consultants
to any Request for Quote proposals at a later date. - Daily fee rates for proposed consultants (only include the rate claimed for the consultants –
do not include overheads, travel costs, management fees, profit margins etc.
etc.). Daily rates offered need to be in line with local market conditions for
local applicants and be within the limits set by the ARF for foreign
individuals and organisations. Cowater reserves the right to negotiate rates
prior to selecting/confirming individual consultants that form part of a
firm/organisation’s proposal. - Organisational management fees (written as a % rate) – Applicants must ensure Management
Fees DO NOT exceed a reasonable
rate. MAMPU will assess rates at 5% or less as ‘strong’, 5-10% as ‘medium’
and rates that exceed 10% as ‘weak/poor’.
Applications will be evaluated on a 70/30
(technical/financial) basis.
Please send all applications to [email protected] with the title “Panels – Category X” (eg. Panels –
Category Focus Area One) by Friday, September 9th,
2016. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Cowater is an
equal opportunity employer.
Cowater intends to undertake panel
evaluation and selection by the end of September 2016. Cowater aims to have panel
Standing Offer Agreements in place by the end of October 2016.
Australian Aid – Managed by Cowater International Inc. on behalf of The Australian Government
MAMPU – Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty ReductionSetiabudi Atrium, 3rd Floor, Suite 306 Jl HR Rasuna Said, Kav 62, Jakarta 12950 INDONESIAW: www.mampu.or.idT : +62 21 521 0315 / 0321 / 0337 F: +62 21 521 0339Australian Aid – Managed by Cowater International Inc. on behalf of The Australian Government
MAMPU – Empowering Indonesian
Women for Poverty Reduction Setiabudi Atrium, 3rd Floor, Suite
306 Jl HR Rasuna Said, Kav 62, Jakarta 12920 INDONESIAW: www.mampu.or.idT : +62 21 521 0315 / 0321 / 0337 F: +62 21 521
0339Australian Aid –
Managed by Cowater International Inc. on behalf of The Australian Government