SNV Indonesia: Institute to Support Palm Oil Smallholder Certification
Institute supporting Palm Oil smallholder Certification
A. Background
SNV is a partner in the Kemitraan Kesejatheraan Hijau (KeHIJAU) Berbak
Partnership – Green Prosperity Project that is funded by the Millennium
Challenge Account-Indonesia. The goal of KeHIJAU Berbak & Muaro Jambi is to
increase household incomes and reduce GHG emissions from deforestation and
peatland degradation through inclusive low carbon economic growth in the
Berbak landscape and priority palm oil areas in Muaro Jambi. SNV is
particularly engaged in supporting Component 3: Private Sector Commitment
and Action
The private sector component aims to ensure that companies operating in the
landscape understand the sustainability context and apply relevant policies
and practices. This will be achieved by four outputs: (i) sustainability
assessment of oil palm and HPH concessions on peatland, (ii) incentivizing
palm oil mills and timber concessions to adopt sustainability standards,
(iii) regular audits of company performance by local NGOs working in
partnership with government and private sector, and (iv) the use of Palm Oil
Mill Effluent (POME) for renewable energy.
SNV is looking for an institute that could support the project team in
preparing selected groups for certification of RSPO, ISPO and ISCC. The
partner should support the following activities in the field:
1. Survey
The objectives of survey activities are:
To know the problems facing smallholders including the social economics
status of smallholders.
– Collect information on legality of cooperatives, land tenure, STDB
and SPPL of their members.
– Collect and collate information about the existing smallholders
group, their activities and management give benefit for their members and
the surrounding community.
– To find out the information about cultivation management on
smallholders farm by its farmer.
– To get information about alternative income and social insurance
– To know the FFB market and price mechanism.
2. Training and Development of Internal Control System
The objectives of the training and development of internal control system
– To train smallholders to understand the meaning of sustainability
and its systems, including certification assessment and surveillance. This
is aim to prepare that smallholders produce fruits can be use as raw
material for biodiesel
– To train smallholders in implementing sustainable palm oil systems.
– To enable the smallholders to implement sustainable palm oil system
and internal control system.
– To train ICS group about Internal Audit System and create internal
auditors in each ICS which related its cooperatives and
– To train smallholders in Pengendalian Kebakaran Lahan (Control and
avoid forest fire).
3. Mentoring the implementation of RSPO, ISCC and ISPO criteria and
certification system follow by document preparation.
The objectives of the Mentoring the implementation of RSPO, ISCC and ISPO
criteria and certification system follow by document preparation are:
– To assist smallholders in preparing document for RSPO, ISCC, ISPO
and ICS.
– To conduct mentoring and implementation of the above mentioned
documents in the smallholders farm.
– To assist the ICS Unit in conducting internal audit trial.
4. Certification
The objectives of the certification are:
– To certify the capable smallholders group, assessment will be done
by third party (certification body).
– To help smallholders to overcome the problem of non-compliances
raised by certification body.
B. Deliverables
The deliverables of this TOR are:
1. Availability of initial information about land tenure and
cooperatives management, implementation of GAP and environment, market and
prices structure, contract and replanting plan. The information about local
wisdom will be available.
2. To develop smallholders capability in implementing sustainable palm
oil systems and certification systems.
3. To strengthen the smallholder organization in support of the
implementation of sustainable palm oil management and certification systems.
4. Smallholders will be certified by RSPO, ISCC and ISPO.
5. Increase productivity and create other activities to increase
smallholder income and reduce if possible to stop smallholder activities in
encroaching forest and protected area.
6. To create smallholder bargaining position in national and
international market.
C. Timing & Duty station
The assignment will be of a total of 37 days starting from March 1st and
ending in May 2016. Out of the total assignment, the partner will spend a
maximum of 37 days in the field (Muaro Jambi)
D. Reporting
The partner will directly report to the Project Manager Palm Oil.
E. How to Apply
* Application opened until 26 February 2016 at the latest
* CV and resume shall only be sent to [email protected]
<mailto:[email protected]> with email subject “Institute for Palm
Oil team”
* Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted