SNV Tender Invitation of Coach for Voice for Change Programme

Terms of Reference

Coaching for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation, funded from
public and private sources, working in 38 countries in Africa, Asia, and
Latin America. SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of
development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and
services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for
excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor. Our global team of
advisors use their specialist sector and change expertise in Agriculture,
Renewable Energy and WASH to facilitate sustainable change in the
livelihoods of millions of people living in poverty.

Voice for Change Partnerships Programme

To enable CSOs to effectively voice alternative or dissenting views in a
dynamic and increasingly global context, the Dutch Ministry of the Foreign
Affairs (DGIS) set up a policy framework focusing on strengthening CSOs’
capacity for ‘lobbying and advocacy’. This role is essential for holding
policymakers and companies to account, and a way for CSOs to contribute to
inclusive growth and development and help reduce inequality.

This five-year project, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(DGIS), aims at strengthening capacities of CSOs to advocate for a conducive
enabling environment in WASH, Renewable Energy, Food and Nutrition Security,
and Resilience. For Food and Nutrition Security, and Resilience, SNV is
partnering with the International Food Policy and Research Institute
(IFPRI). Implementation takes place in six countries (Kenya, Rwanda,
Burkina Faso, Ghana, Honduras and Indonesia) as well as at the global level.

Project Approach

The main areas of intervention in each of the sectors are

1) Strengthening of CSO capacities: Participating CSOs will join a
capacity development program that strengthens their capabilities in the
field of leadership, use of evidence, thematic knowledge, advocacy and
business development.

2) Evidence creation and dissemination

CSOs will be encouraged and capacitated in making use of evidence and data
by contextualising results of research, availing knowledge products and
facilitating access to on-line platforms and alliances.

3) Support to advocacy plans and activities of CSOs

CSOs will be supported in the design and implementation of advocacy plans.
Design of these plans will take place during the above-mentioned capacity
development trajectory. CSOs will benefit from support of SNV and
knowledge/research institutes such as IFPRI for Food and Nutrition security
and Resilience.

CSO Profile

Thru a competitive bidding process, the programme have identified 9
organisation that works in both Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) and WASH.
Each organization is represented by 2 of their manager/ leader to
participate in the programme. They are located in Padang Pariaman, Sijunjung
district, Lampung Selatan, Pringsewu, Lombok, Manggarai, Kupang and Flores.

In FNS, their advocacy plan is to work to contribute to National Government
target to decrease Chronic Malnutrition (Stunting) in Children under five to
28 % by 2019. In WASH, they will work to support the national STBM programme
and specific to contribute achieve universal access to sanitation by 2019.

The assignment and the scope of work

The Capacity Development program is delivered in 2 Capacity Development
Workshops per year. Peer to peer learning, accompaniment by SNV advisors,
field visits and topical meetings are also part of the activities.

In addition to the accompaniment by SNV teams, we seek support of
professional coaches.

The specific tasks to be performed by the Coach are basically to support the
coachees to reflect upon, learn and adapt their own leadership style and
help them to implement the organizational changes that are required to
strengthen the positioning of their organization, increase their business
and work towards sustainable organisations.

The coaches will develop a tailor-made plan with the respective CSO leaders.
Coaching might focus on the following areas:

a) Leadership

* Embedding strong leadership attitudes and responsive abilities in the

* Sustainable leadership and managing stakeholder relationships

* Emotional intelligence

* Effective team building and motivation skills

* Effective planning, prioritisation and implementation of tasks

* Effective work – Life balance

* Balancing between internal and external perspective

b) Organizational development

* Development of action plan

* Strategic management (e.g. positioning for emerging opportunities &
increasing business)

* Review and developing effective and efficient organizational structure
address accountability and transparency

Key deliverables

The coach will meet the coachee in the workshop on 27 April 2017 organized
by SNV in Jakarta (detail to be informed after). The coach is expected to
observe the content of workshops as an input to support the coachee (9 of
them) in developing their Personal Development and Action Plan.

The coach will work closely with the CSOs and SNV to design a coaching plan
with each of the coachee (1:1), each 1.5 hours, minimum 5 sessions and 2 of
which will be face to face.

In addition to the individual sessions, the leadership of the CSO will be
guided in developing a workable change plan working towards improved
positioning, increased business and sustainable organisations.

The Coach will work closely with SNV Project Manager to monitor progress on
the basis of the individual action plans of the coachees; this provision
will respect the confidentiality contract between the coach and coachee. SNV
will provide the following:

1) In-depth briefing of the project

2) Close support in the implementation of the assignments

3) Transportation accommodation for field travel if required.

Duration of task completion: The assignments will take place between April
and December 2017.

Submission guidelines and selection criteria

Expression of Interest (EOI)

The maximum budget for the assignment is Rp 180 million (excluding travel
and accommodation for any approved travel related to this assignment).

If you are interested in this call and you feel that you match the
qualification mentioned before, please submit a clear EOI describing your
motivation and clearly addressing all key qualification requested below.

The overall submission should be no more than three (3) pages and can be
submitted to [email protected] no later than 05 April 2017. On the
basis of submitted EOIs, we will invite a selected number of candidates for
a face to face interview. The candidates will then submit the methodologies
used as a coach and proposed fees.

Proposed fee (lump sum or daily rate) shall include all required days for
preparation, to meet the coachee in the workshop and delivering the
coaching. SNV will be responsible to arrange travel and accommodation for
any approved travel related to this assignment.

Key qualifications:

* Experience in coaching in leadership and organisation development for
min. 5 years

* Degree in relevant field (social sciences, business, management,

* Extensive experience with a non-directive approach of coaching
professionals (i.e. ability to structure sessions; create rapport; listen
and reflect back; create flow by asking open, powerful questions; stimulate
commitment to action)

* In-depth knowledge and understanding of organizational change management

* Preferably knowledge of and experience with Capacity Development Support

* Preferably knowledge of and experience with development issues and Civil
Society Organisations

* Personal attributes include: ability to listen, summarize and probe
further, to inspire and encourage others (to get the best out of people),
personal sensitivity, creativity.

For more information on SNV please refer to our website:

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