STTA – Development of North Aceh Biodiversity Profile

USAID SEGAR is seeking a Short-Term Technical Assistant (STTA)/Consultant for Development of North Aceh Biodiversity Profile. 

  • Job code STACBP
  • Type: Consultant
  • Job location: North Aceh and Homebased
  • Reporting line: Site Manager of Aceh
  • Expected Assignment: Immediately – September 30, 2024
  • Level of Effort: 30 days

USAID SEGAR is a five-year project (2021–2026) designed to balance biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use with inclusive economic development in Indonesia. The project focuses on subnational jurisdictions with high conservation values and carbon stocks, aiming to improve natural resource management to conserve biodiversity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and promote sustainable economic growth. By enabling stakeholders to better understand and protect high conservation value (HCV) and high carbon stock (HCS) areas, USAID SEGAR aims to support Indonesia’s development objectives.

Aceh is the westernmost province of Indonesia, a province renowned for its biodiversity, including the Leuser Ecosystem, USAID SEGAR has made significant strides in improving environmental governance. Aceh’s economy, dominated by oil, natural gas, mining, agriculture, and fisheries, has seen substantial land cover change due to commodity production, threatening its biodiversity. To address this, USAID SEGAR supported the establishment of the Important Ecosystem Area (IEA) Cot Girek, which was legalized by the Bupati of North Aceh, covering 20,739 hectares dedicated to biodiversity conservation.

To ensure the integration of IEA Cot Girek into North Aceh’s biodiversity profile and management plans, USAID SEGAR provided support for developing a Biodiversity Profile through an assigned consultant. This Biodiversity Profile will serve as a baseline for the community and aid in policy formulation, strategy design, and environmental management actions. It will be incorporated into the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD), Regional Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPD), Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW), and other environmental management plans in North Aceh District, thus fostering sustainable development while conserving biodiversity.


The purpose of this assignment is to develop a Biodiversity Profile document that describes the potential and condition of biodiversity of North Aceh District at various levels that can be used to maintain a harmonious relationship between people and their environment to support the realization of sustainable development.

Expected Output

North Aceh District Biodiversity Profile Document developed.

Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Prepare the framework and work plan for the preparation of the Biodiversity Profile.
  • Identification and inventory of biodiversity data/information from various institutions and other stakeholders.
  • Data/Information Gap Analysis for Profiling.
  • Categorized biodiversity data inventory (State of Landscapes, Ecosystem Diversity, Species, Genetics, Traditional Knowledge).
  • Analysis and Synthesis.
  • Writing a Draft Biodiversity Profile.
  • Public Consultation (Prepare materials and become resource persons).
  • Finalize the Biodiversity Profile document.


  • Framework and work plan for writing a Biodiversity Profile.
  • Biodiversity data (state of landscapes, ecosystem diversity, species, genetics, and traditional knowledge) and summary of gap analysis.
  • Draft of Biodiversity Profile.
  • Minutes of Meeting of Public Consultation.
  • Biodiversity Profile Final Document


  1. Minimum B.Sc. degree in a field relevant to biodiversity and natural resources management.
  2. Minimum 10 years of experience working on biodiversity and sustainable natural resources management.
  3. Minimum of 5 years’ experience in developing documents related biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resources management.
  4. Have experience in managing biodiversity conservation programs.
  5. Have experience working with government institutions, NGOs and Academia, and extensive network.

How to Apply

Please submit your application to [email protected] with the subject line “STACBP_YourName”. The application will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and early recruitment may occur until the position is filled.

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