Technical Project Officer Food and Nutrition Security for SNV Indonesia
Vacancy Announcement SNV Netherlands
Development Organisation SNV is a not-for-profit
international development organisation. Founded in the Netherlands 50 years
ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 39 of the poorest countries
in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors
works with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations
with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes
and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of
poverty and guide their own development. SNV’s Global
Partnerships – Evidence Based Advocacy Programme In partnership with the International Food Policy
Research Institute, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands, SNV is launching in 2016 a five year programme entitled Global
Partnerships – Evidence Based Advocacy. The programme will be implemented in 6
countries: Burkina-Faso, Honduras, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda and Indonesia. The
programme’s main goal is to support progress in globally challenging topics
related to the Sustainable Development Goals, with a specific focus on
inclusion and equity issues. This goal is to be achieved by increasing Civil
Society Organisations (CSOs) capacities to participate, contribute and
influence strategic debates and policy-making processes. The specific objectives of the programme are
determined as follows:
- Increase CSOs capacities in leadership, advocacy, utilisation of
data and evidence, sector knowledge and business development - Improve enabling environment in terms of improved policies,
frameworks, regulations, budget allocation, services, inclusive business and
accountability/collaborative mechanisms
In Indonesia, the two topics that will be addressed
through the programme are Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) and Water,
Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). The Food and
Nutrition Security component of the Global Partnerships – Evidence Based
Advocacy Programme An estimated 87 million Indonesians are vulnerable to
food insecurity, according to WFP’s Food Security and Vulnerability Atlas.
Across Indonesia an estimated 37% of children aged below five years are stunted
– over eight million children. The Government of Indonesia’s National Plan Of
Action For Food And Nutrition 2011-2015 focuses on (1) improving sustainable
health and nutrition services focused on the first 1000 days of a child’s life;
(2) improving food accessibility at household level in very vulnerable food
areas and vulnerable food areas; (3) improvement of knowledge, skill, behavior
and life style/food consumption habit of people towards more diverse, balanced-
nutrient and safe foods; (4) application of food safety standards based on risk
assessment, continuity of appropriate-innovative technology, empowerment of
local governments in improving surveillance, quantity and quality of food
control, and developing food and nutrition preparedness system; (5) application
of clean and healthy behavior through supporting efforts to health policy on
food and nutrition, strengthening social control, application of clean and
healthy behavior at household and its internalization inside medical curricula
of elementary and intermediate school; (6) Improving partnerships and effective
multi-sectoral collaborations within national institutions of food and
nutrition, and formation of parallel organizations up to district level. Eastern Indonesia suffers from the highest rates of
malnutrition. Lombok Island, where SNV is piloting SNV’s Nutrition Sensitive
Gender Aware Agriculture Project/Asia Nutrition Project, has one of the highest
levels of malnutrition in the Indonesian archipelago. Even with ample
vegetables and fruits available through most of the year, stunting amongst
children can reach 60%. Results show that bad food habits are the main cause of
chronic malnutrition throughout the island. On Flores, similar conditions
prevail. However, the low nutritional status is further compounded by the lack
of diverse foods and availability of vegetables and fruits. This is especially
the case in coffee growing areas which are more remote. In this context, the Food and Nutrition Security
component of the Global Partnership – Evidence based Advocacy Programme has the
following goals:
- Support improved policies and
regulations- Advocate for the development of local policies that support improved
food and nutrition habits for infants, young children, youth and women - Advocate for the development
of local policies that are conducive for school gardens, kitchen/home gardens
and market gardens that can service the growing tourism industry in both areas
as well as improve access for local communities
- Advocate for the development of local policies that support improved
- Increase budget allocation
- Increase budget allocation for food and security nutrition
activities and campaigns
- Increase budget allocation for food and security nutrition
- Improved provision of services
- Increase capacity of CSO’s to advocate for the prioritisation of
nutrition sensitive activities in their programme and promotional activities. - Support service providers (government, private sector and NGOs) in
the value chain to adopt best practices on nutrition and food safety.
- Increase capacity of CSO’s to advocate for the prioritisation of
- More inclusive businesses and
related increased investments- Work with coffee companies and other relevant cash crop companies to
add a nutrition element to their extension services to farmers and develop
nutrition sensitive value chains
- Work with coffee companies and other relevant cash crop companies to
- Improved collaboration in
platforms and improved accountability mechanisms:- Support CSOs to play an active role the Scaling up Nutrition (SUN)
Indonesia. - Support CSOs play an active role in the UN Indonesia working group
on nutrition and food security.
- Support CSOs to play an active role the Scaling up Nutrition (SUN)
SNV is now seeking highly qualified national
candidates to fill Technical Project
Officer Food and Nutrition Security position. Position
Summary The purpose of the position is to ensure the correct,
timely and appropriate design, implementation and monitoring of the FSN
capacity development and advocacy activities. Specific role within the
programme is the following:
- Support the design and
implementation of the capacity building activities targeting the relevant CSOs - Support the design and
implementation of the research and data collection activities required to
provide evidence for the advocacy activities - Facilitate the CSOs in
designing and implementing the Food and Nutrition Security advocacy activities
in the project locations - Monitor the implementation and
results of the advocacy activities and propose adjustments whenever relevant - Report and evaluate the FSN
component of the programme in line with SNV’s monitoring an evaluation
responsibilities are the following:
- Coordinate all exchanges with
Local Governments and support a good communication flow between the programme
coordination, the CSO’s and the Local Government - Contribute for the design of
the capacity development, research and advocacy activities, ensuring its
relevance and suitability both for the programme’s objectives and the local
priorities, conditions and constraints - Support the implementation of
the research, capacity development and advocacy activities, ensuring its
adequate planning, budgeting and timely delivery in coordination with all the
relevant stakeholders - Oversee the roll out and
results of the advocacy activities and provide critical input to adjust/improve
the outcomes whenever relevant - Participate and actively
contribute to the programme’s final design, monitoring, evaluation and learning
components - Ensure the programme’s
visibility and profiling in line with SNV’s and partners branding guidelines - Comply with SNV’s
administrative and financial procedures for project planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation - Comply with SNV’s Code of
- Advanced degree in related
field (e.g. nutrition, agriculture); - At least 5 years of experience
working in an advisory role. Experience with international organizations is a
plus - Demonstrated knowledge of the
Agriculture/Nutrition sector, particularly of the existing policies and
programmes, main challenges and constraints for Food and Nutrition Security in
Indonesia, value chain support, including dialogue and engagement with private
companies - Ability to recognize and
address equity and equality issues - Experience in designing and
implementing capacity development trajectories, including in class training,
coaching and on the job training - Experience in contributing
and/or using research results to design development interventions and to
influence policy/decision making is a plus - Knowledge and skills in project
planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; - Experience working with CSOs,
farmers organisations and government agencies at national, provincial, and
local levels; - Advanced communication and
negotiation skills with different types of stakeholders - Ability to work independently
and with the team - Good organizing skills and
interpersonal skills - Initiative and creative in
solving problems - Native Bahasa Indonesia speaker
with a good command of spoken and written English - Good computer skills (Ms. Word,
Ms. Excel, Ms. Power Point, Internet and Outlook)
Duty station: Lombok, SNV’s office in Mataram, Lombok with frequent travelling
to Flores, including travels to districts and villages of both locations. Contract
duration: 1-year contract with the possibility of
extension. Desired start
date: As soon as possible. How to apply?Please send your application letter describing how you
meet the candidate profile and CV (in English), together with an indication of
your current salary and compensation package by 04 January 2016 to [email protected] with
subject: “TPO Advocacy FSN” For more information on SNV
please refer to our website: We do not appreciate
third-party mediation based on this advertisement.