Terms of Reference for Consultancy Services – Job Creation Study Consuntant
Terms of Reference for Consultancy Services
Organization Background
Swisscontact was established in 1959 as an independent organization by prominent individuals from the worlds
of commerce and science in Switzerland. Swisscontact promotes economic, social and ecological development by supporting people to successfully integrate into local commercial life. It
focuses on four core areas of
private sector development: Vocational Education & Training, SME Promotion, Financial Services and Resource Efficiency.
Swisscontact, registered as international Non-Government Organization (iNGO) with the Ministry of Home Affairs,
works in Indonesia since 1973 implementing projects aligned with its mission to promote economic, social and ecological development. Swisscontact has began implementing projects to support the Indoneisan cocoa sector in 2006, culminating in the design of the
Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP) which evolved in four partly overlapping development phases to benefit 130,000 smallholder cocoa farmers by 2020. SCPP is a large Public Private and Producer Partnership (PPPP) in the cocoa sector, including the
Government of Indonesia representing the producer country, several donors from consuming countries, and farmer communities in 50 districts across the main cocoa producing provinces in Indonesia:
– 2010-2012 1st phase in Aceh with EDFF/World Bank (12,000 farmers in 5 Districts)
– 2012-2015 2nd phase expansion with SECO/IDH/EKN/IFAD (60,000 farmers in 19 districts)
– 2015-2018 3rd phase expansion with SECO/IFAD/MCA-I (98,000 farmers in 29 districts)
– 2016-2020 4th phase expansion with SECO/IFAD/MCA-I (130,000 farmers in 50 districts)
Swisscontact plays the role of a “neutral broker” bringing together all stakeholders within the scope of the
development program to ensure inclusiveness, transparency, and ultimately sustainability of activities. Program interventions are designed around the three sustainability dimensions Economic, Environment, and Social, with Swisscontact acting as implementing
partner alongside the private sector and the local Government.
Assignment Background
One of the most important impacts of the Program in its first phase (2010-2015) was to create jobs in the
cocoa sector, all together 1,400 divided into on-farm and business-level and part-time and full-time. Reporting this achievement turned out to be very challenging thus SCPP managment decided to conduct a separate job creation study, focused on the farm level.
SCPP would also like to collect lessons learned and experiences to be shared with SCPP partners.
SCPP measures jobs created on the cocoa farms and in related areas. On the farm level, the type of jobs created
are temporary or permanent labor workers. While on the business level, the created jobs differ more and could be in nurseries or related to certification and the needed internal control system. SCPP takes into account the number of workers in cooperatives,
ICS, nurseries, learning centers/DCC/clonal garden, buying units and cocoa traders, and cocoa fora. As per the Annual Report 2015, in total 1,070 jobs were created, containing 239 full-time positions and 831 temporary/part-time positions at business level.
Through the certification process, the program has established ICS/IMS structures in several districts in Sulawesi and Sumatra. These ICS/IMS members are working on part-time basis during the internal audit in the cocoa sector development. Addiotional research
is needed in order to measure to what extent job creation could reduce farmer’s poverty.
Assignment Objective
The objectives of the assignment are as follows:
To create a simple guideline/introduction on the measurement of job creation, considering potential attribution gap due to similar activities of third parties or the natural progress
in job fluctuation;
To assess the number and types of jobs in cocoa sector created due to SCPP on Business level, Farm level segregated in Full-time and Part-time jobs and gender;
To document the average income from such jobs;
To document the challenges, best practices and experiences from creating jobs;
To provide lessons learned and recommendations for future interventions in job creation;
To revise the current job creation data collected using CocoaTrace[1]
and use the data accordingly in the assessment report;
To provide SCPP suggestions to measure job creation using existing or new methodologies and/or tools.
Methodology and Scope of Work
The consultant will work closely with Monitoring and Results Measurement (MRM) and Program Implementation
(PI) unit. The assignment will include meetings with the team and relevant stakeholders including Swisscontact and implementing partners’ staff and Program supported farmer organizations, farmers, local government, cocoa entrepreneurs (nurseries owners, traders),
extension services, cocoa fora, etc. as well as field visits.
The study will be conducted using but not limited to desk study (CocoaTrace data, reports, farmer organization
documents etc.), semi-structured interviews, FGDs etc.
The study will cover all SCPP locations based on end of 2015 achievements and outreach while the field visits
will be conducted in two representative Provinces: Aceh and South Sulawesi.
Duration of the Assignment
The assignment will start on June 1st
and last until July 31st, with a maximum of 30 days of consultancy work, as per detailed breakdown as follows:
# |
Activity |
Days |
1 |
Review documentations |
1 |
2 |
Meetings with relevant stakeholders |
4 |
3 |
Field visits |
15 |
4 |
Data analyses |
5 |
5 |
Report writing – Job creation in cocoa sector |
4 |
6 |
Lessons learnt and recommendations |
1 |
Total Consultancy Days |
30 |
Deliverables and Submission Deadlines
The deliverables are as follows:
Guideline on the measurement of job creation using existing or new methodologies and/or tools
Draft by June 30th
Final by July 31st
SCPP Job Creation Report including but not limited to: introduction, methodology, results and discussions, recommendation, summary
Draft by July 15th
Final by July 31st
Management presentation on July 19th of preliminary findings and discussion of draft reports
For the assignment of the consultant, Swisscontact provides:
Air transportation from the Home office to the field work location;
Local transportation during field work;
Daily allowance for the field work in accordance with Swisscontact standard per diems and hotel cost. Accommodation will be organized by Swisscontact.
The consultant will be contracted on a daily-basis to be agreed upon during selection process.
Requirements and Qualifications
Education: Advanced university degree in business, agribusiness, economic development, sustainable agriculture development, or other relevant field.
Strong experience in impact evaluations, especially in agriculture development, income increase, job creation;
Working experience in the cocoa or similar value chains context desirable;
Excellent analytical skills and familiarity with quantitative and qualitative research methods;
Good English proficiency written and oral.
Any sensitive information or data concerning Swisscontact projects, activities, financial information and/or internal procedures entrusted to or exchanged with the Consultant is strictly confidential and cannot be used by the
Consultant for any other purpose, except with written consent of Swisscontact. This confidentiality obligation remains valid after completion of the assignment
Please submit your Letter of Interest addressing the above qualifications and experience with your Quotation until May 27th, 2016 the latest to:
Swisscontact-SCPP, Human Resources Unit, The Vida Building, 5th floor, Jl. Raya Perjuangan No. 8, Kebon Jeruk – Jakarta Barat 11530 , Tél. +62 21 2951 0200
E-mail: [email protected]
CocoaTrace is database management software used for data collection and monitoring designed by Swisscontact and custom made by PT Koltiva