The Asia Foundation: Program Officer – USAID CEGAH



Position Title

: Program Officer – USAID CEGAH  


: Jakarta, Indonesia

Job Type and
duration of contract

: Full-Time, 1 year contract period

Closing Date

: March 15, 2017



is an initiative by USAID/Indonesia that seeks to address the complex
phenomenon of corruption by attacking a wide range of its contributory causes.
Working with a diverse group of partners including both governmental and
non-governmental organizations, USAID CEGAH focusses on strengthening
Government of Indonesia (GOI) efforts that reduce corruption vulnerabilities in
existing systems, complementing Indonesia’s Impressive and ongoing corruption
enforcement achievements.


three components include:

  • Effectiveness of the justice sector to prosecute and adjudicate corruption cases increased;
  • Key GOI corruption prevention institution strengthened; and 
  • Civil society initiatives on
    accountability increased.

The Asia Foundation
(TAF) together with MSI International, a subsidiary of Tetra Tech., a global
multi-specialist consulting business, headquarters in the USA, have been
selected to implement CEGAH project, a five-year program funded by the United
States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Indonesia. TAF is
responsible for the implementation of component 1 and 2 Required Task under
component 3. Main GOI partner for CEGAH activities under these 2 components are
Supreme Court, Attorney General’s Office and KPK. As for CEGAH CSO partners.



The Asia Foundation seeks qualified
candidates for Program Officer – USAID CEGAH position to provide direct
management and implementation of USAID CEGAH Program especially under component
2 on the rule of law. S/he is responsible for the day-to-day management of
partner programs within the component, in close cooperation with the other
Program Officers within the unit and with the Director of Law and Program
Coordinator (Component Leader) and program team management at MSI International.
S/he is responsible for program development and conceptualization,
implementation, and reporting, grants management and program spending. S/he
will also contribute to monitoring/evaluation in cooperation with the
Monitoring and Evaluation Manager of USAID CEGAH Program.  



  • Conduct day-to-day
    management of USAID CEGAH program – including liaising and providing input
    to partners, developing themes for new programs, monitoring program
    implementation, reviewing program outputs, providing technical assistance
    where necessary by serving as facilitator, speaker, editor and such, for
    partner programs and products, and, along with the Program Coordinator
    (Component Manager), representing the programs to USAID CEGAH management,
    donors and government counterparts.
  • Work with
    existing and prospective grantees to develop program activities; determine
    project feasibility; monitor and facilitate program; obtain timely and useful
    reports; critically evaluate outcomes; review incoming proposals, manage
    proposal tracking system, and work with national and local organizations
    to refine proposals and program designs.
  • Conducting
    preparatory work of procurement/bidding process (e.g. prepare TOR for
    procurement of activities, announcement, bidders conference (etc), manage
    process of developing program proposal to issuance of Letter of Grant
    (LG), budgets and cost analysis to monitoring and reporting on program to
    donors and all related documents of the process.
  • Under the
    supervision of Program Director, design and implement USAID CEGAH program
    work plans and contribute to the development and implementation of
    Monitoring and Evaluation measures.
  • Provide
    technical assistance as needed to local partners to develop work plans and
    M&E measures.
  • Manage good
    relations with various program stakeholders (TAF and its CSO partners, MSI,
    government counterparts and other relevant stakeholders).
  • Coordinate with
    other units as needed to facilitate cross-fertilization and internal
  • Provide annual
    and semi report highlights and other information on Foundation programs.
  • Represent The
    Asia Foundation at conferences, events and donor coordination meetings as
    required. Public speaking and contributing to publications on our work may
    be required.


  • As a key member of staff, participate in team meetings to contribute to ongoing program planning, problem-solving, and knowledge sharing.
  • Contribute to the dissemination of program activities and research results.
  • Monitor important social, political and economic developments in-country.
  • Understand and comply with requirements placed on the Foundation by our donors. Respond to periodic requests from the Foundation’s San Francisco or Washington offices for program updates or examples of program impact.
  • Other relevant tasks as required.


  • Minimum of 5 years work experience in designing and implementing international development programs, with a strong background or specialization in justice sector, anti-corruption, legal reform and civil society development; 
  • Experience in project management and strategic grant-making;
  • Knowledge of and experience with Indonesian law and justice reform process, including anti-corruption initiatives;
  • Experience
    supporting the development of CSO networks and interactions between these
    networks and government counterparts, including judiciary and law enforcement
    agencies such as KPK, AGO, Judicial Commission, and Prosecutorial Commission;
  • Experience
    and high skills as well as knowledge in facilitating, project report writing;
  • Prior
    experience working for international organizations or donor agencies is a plus;
  • Advanced
    degree in Law or social and political science; have a strong network with
    judicial and legal reform community;
  • Excellent
    verbal and written communication skills in both English and Bahasa;
  • Strong
    written and analytical skills;
  • Pro-active
    and responsive in nature;
  • Able
    to work in tight schedule, high pressure working environment;
  • Able
    to work in a team or independently with minimum supervision;
  • Excellent
    interpersonal skills including the ability to maintain good relations with
    government representative, CSO’s, donors and colleagues.


Please send your application letter and CV to The Asia
Foundation by e-mail to [email protected] by
March 15, 2017. Please write “PO –
” on the Subject of the e-mail. The Asia Foundation is an equal
opportunity employer. 

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