Vacancy Announcement “Social Media Analysis”

Social Media Analysis for Climate, Weather & Disaster Information Dissemination in Indonesia

1.     Background

1.1.          Project Brief

USAID’s five year “Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan” (APIK) Project supports the Government of Indonesia to strengthen climate and disaster resilience, working in an integrated manner from the national level down to the regional and community levels. In support of this overall objective, APIK seeks to:

·        Mainstream climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction into national and sub-national governance frameworks;

·        Build the capacity of local communities and the private sector to address climate change and weather-related natural hazards; and

·        Support the use of information for climate and disaster risk management among key stakeholders.

At the national level, APIK provides technical assistance to national level ministries to strengthen their understanding of climate change and the impact of weather-related natural disasters, and to mainstream tools and approaches that facilitate the systematic consideration of climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) in their core planning, budgeting, and operations. Given the cross-cutting nature of CCA/DRR, APIK works with economy-wide agencies—such as the Ministry of Planning (BAPPENAS), National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and Geophysical Meteorological & Cimatological Agency (BMKG)—as well as technical ministries such as Environment and Forestry (KLHK), Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR),  Public Works and Public Housing (PUPERA), Agrarian and Spatial Planning, and Agriculture (Kementan).

At the subnational level, APIK seeks to build the capacity of local governments in East Java, Southeast Sulawesi, and Maluku to address CCA & DRR through planning and operations, public outreach, and the institutionalization of resilience-building practices in day-to-day activities. With a regional office located in the respective provinces, the Project works in targeted landscapes with the communities on the front lines of climate change and disaster resilience in the target districts to implement measures and link those measures to the relevant government processes in a holistic systems approach.

Crosscutting the national and subnational levels, APIK further seeks to mainstream CCA/DRR into the private sector as well as the improved uptake and utilization of climate and weather information (CWI) services. Private sector engagement is critical to addressing shared economic risks and livelihoods, while improved climate and weather information services empower public and private institutions alike to better prepare for and respond to climate and disaster risk.

1.2.          Climate & Weather Information Services

Climate information services play a crucial role in managing development risks and opportunities resulting from climate change. In Indonesia, awareness of climate change impacts and their effect on the variability and intensity of natural disasters remains very low, particularly at the local level. In part, data is lacking, but so is effective translation and communication of information that would enable a more informed response. Government, businesses, and communities need data and tools to address climate change and climate related natural disasters. Critically, they need that information to be packaged in ways that are usable, clear, collaboratively developed, and provide a basis for action.

Task 3 focuses on the collection, packaging, and dissemination of climate and weather information (CWI) services. Better climate and weather information systems are fundamental to fostering place-based resilience across the archipelago, saving lives in the near term (i.e. disaster risk reduction) while supporting better planning and public investment in the medium to long term (i.e. climate change adaptation). Critically, improved information is not an end in and of itself, but must be linked to institutional capacity building (Task 1 and Task 2), pro-poor programming for sustainable livelihoods (Task 2 and Task 4), and trans-boundary ecosystem management (Task 2).

In delivering the expected result project need to conduct the assessment of the existing CWI producer & diseminator regarding the roadmap, existing system, infrastructure, procedure, human capacity, listing available data, resulting products (i.e., packaged data), and evidence of actual application.

1.3.          Social Media as part of Climate, Weather & Disaster Information Disemination media


In information age, information dissemination trough social media is one of the effective way to disseminate climate, weather and disaster information to the public or the one who needed. Governmental Organization such as Indonesian Meteorology Climatiology & Geophisycs Agency (BMKG), National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and Local Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) are indicated already using those media to disseminate those informations. For example, in April 28th 2016 5:23 AM, it recorded that twitter account @infoBMKG have followers 2.52M and tweeting 16.1K. The other example is @BNPB_Indonesia account have 67.7K followers and tweeting 12K messages. In regional level, @BPBDJakarta has followers 149K and tweeting 90K. @BMKGkarangploso just tweeting 3686 message and followed by 651 users (by 2 May 2016, 18:57). Malang City via @bpbdkotamalang just tweet 33 messages and have followers only 152 (2 May 2016, 18:57).


Not only Official account from governmental agencies, personal twitter of governmental staf such as @Sutopo_BNPB (Head of Data, Information & Public Relation of BNPB) also popular in Social Media as useful source of national disaster information. He has followers 18.7K and disseminates 6,308 messages to the public. Most of them related to disaster information and BNPB.


Besides actor, public also seeking weather, climate and disaster information using ‘hashtag’ as specific keywording in social media, i,e. #banjir, #banjirjkt, #CuacaJakarta, #banjirJakarta, #cuaca, #PetaJakarta, #PetaJkt, #Gempa, dll.


The other social media as Facebook, BNPB & BMKG also disseminate information trhough account infobnpb and InfoBMKG. In regional level, East Java & Maluku have account bpbdjatim & bpbd.provinsimaluku to disseminate disaster information. In local level, BPBD Kendari, DKI Jakarta & Malang District also has facebook account: BPBD Kendari, BPBD DKI Jakarta, and BPBD Kabupaten Malang.


In the future, internet access user in City and District level will increase significantly especially with mobile users. Therefore, APIK need to analyze the optimalization of this new media trend in term of disseminating weather, climate and disasters. The behavior of orgranizations, actors and consumer of this trend is needed to be analized so we can optimalize this media.


APIK seeking a Short Term Technical Assisstant (Single or Group) that have the capability to do data collection, survey and analysis the utilization of Social Media usage in disseminating climate, weather and disaster information in Indonesia.

1.     Objective

This activity has the following objective:

1.      Collect & sorting the social media actor who do dissemination of climate, weather and disaster information in Indonesia. It needs to be sorted by followers or message post.

2.      Identify & sort the popular social media & electronic that has been used for disaster, climate & weather dissemination.

3.      The above information shall be categorized based on: Organization, Social Media Provider (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), Area (Province, City/District, Regional, etc.)

4.      Analyze the patterm of Climate, Weather & Disaster Information Diisemination through Socal Media.

5.      Analyze the effectiveness & optimalization of the usage of social media for Climate, Weather & Disaster Information Disemination in Indonesia.

6.      Literature Review related to the above subject (Usage of social media for Climate, Weather & Disaster Information Disemination)

7.      Doing assessment on Governmental Agency in Indonesia related to the usage of social media for Climate, Weather & Disaster Information Disemination

8.      Analyze & categorize the content of the disseminated information

2.     Target Output

Target Output of development strategy is:

a)   Raw data (crawled information) in the form of database

b)   Source code of crawling system (if any)

c)   Processed data

d)   Final result analysis of data collection

e)   Summary of recommendation to be use in developing CWI roadmap

3.     Methodology

The methodology of this peojct at least consists of:

·        Literature Review

·        Data Collection

o   Actor Identification

o   Twitter crawling

o   Seggregation of Information (Warning, Projection, Disaster Events, Responses, etc.)

o   Interview Actor, Producer, Diseminator & Consummer

·        Disemination Pattern Analysis

·        Message Pattern Analysis

·        Development of Advice for Optimalization (Gain Popularity, Standardize message, Message Timing, etc.)

4.     Duration

(est. 1 month ~ 44 Mandays)

6.     Qualification

·        Capable to do social media data crawling (proven with presentation & Prove of Concept)

·        Experienced with Open Source Crawling Library/Code such as Scrapy (for Python) or similar

·        Experienced with Twitter API



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