Vacancy Announcement: Spatial Planning Advisor

Spatial Planning

DAI works at the cutting edge of
international development, combining excellence in technical and operational
project management, and exceptional customer service to solve our clients’
most complex problems. Since 1970, DAI has worked in 150 developing and
transition countries, providing comprehensive development solutions in
areas including crisis mitigation and stability operations, democratic
governance and public sector management, agriculture and agribusiness,
private sector development and financial services, economics and trade,
HIV/AIDS, avian influenza control, water and natural resources management,
and energy and climate change.


Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan
(APIK) Project is a 5-year, $19 million USAID funded Project. The purpose
of APIK is to support the Government of Indonesia to strengthen climate
and disaster resilience, working in an integrated manner from the national
level down to the community level. APIK will help to mainstream climate
change adaptation and disaster risk reduction into national and sub-national
governance frameworks, build the capacity of local communities and the
private sector to address climate change and weather-related natural hazards,
and support the use of information for climate and disaster risk management
among key stakeholders.

The Spatial Planning Advisor will
be based in Jakarta. He/she will report directly to the Governance Advisor.

Essential Duties:

·        Utilize
spatial planning and tools such as risk mapping to support vertical/horizontal
communication between the national and sub-national government as well
as across ministries

·        Harmonize
district and provincial spatial plans using a climate lens and review district
and provincial spatial plans and ensure that land-use zoning takes into
account ecological and hydrological risk

·        Undertake
a rapid spatial assessment of shared watershed/island risks in the proposed
landscapes, utilizing geospatial information technologies to overlay land
use characteristics, historical disaster incidence, critical infrastructure,
and population distribution to verify the areas of greatest risk


·        4
to 5 years of experience analyzing and allocating the spatial and temporal
distribution of human activities to achieve ecological, economic and social

·        Experience
with land use, urban, regional, transport and environmental planning as
well as economic and community planning.

·        Master’s
degree in spatial planning or relevant degree

Application Instructions:

Interested applicants are invited
to send their CV to
[email protected].
Please send applications as soon as possible. Applicants are instructed
to write “Spatial Planning Advisor– NAME” as the Subject line of their
email. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications
and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

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