Vacancy as Project Officer – Semarang Based

Dear All, Please find below open position.We are trying to find the best possible
candidates to make team stronger.SEMARANG1.     Program Officer – ACCCRN The ACCCRN program officer will be
responsible to the implementation of ACCCRN activities in cities (including
ACCCRN replication cities) in Indonesia to develop, plan, budget, and implement
climate change program as well as identify potential funding for participatory,
city level, climate change resilience strategies and climate adaptation action;
also will be required to work with a wide range of networking with city
stakeholders spanning civil society, private sector, local government, etc. Qualifications:

  • 2+ years of experience in
    Indonesia climate change initiatives and/or urban development
  • 3+ years hands-on experience in
    assisting local communities on community development project
  • Candidate domicile in Semarang
    is preferable
  • Experience in mangrove
    restoration, coastal resilience, and sustainable livelihood related work
    is a plus
  • Experience in networking and
    project implementation, and documentation related to Indonesian climate
    change issues, and Indonesian government climate change initiatives and
  • BA/S or higher in environmental
    sciences, urban planning, international development and/or similar field.
  • Fluency in English verbal and written communication
  • Strong familiarity with Microsoft Word and Excel are mandatory

position will be hired as temporary staff for 1 year. Please send your CV with position applied on
the email subject to: [email protected]  Vacancy will be closed 10 January 2016 and only
short listed candidates will be contacted for interview.
look forward to hearing from those who are interested in taking this
opportunity to grow and develop with us. Thanks,Human Resources DepartmentMercy Corps Indonesia

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