Vacancy: Consultant – Development of an Integrated Training Manual for IFA Supplementation for Pregnant Women, Vitamin A Supplementation for Children under five and Zinc and ORS in the treatment of childhood diarrhea programs

Individual Consultant
of an Integrated Training Manual for Iron Folic Acid (IFA) Supplementation for
Pregnant Women, Vitamin A Supplementation for Children under five and Zinc and
Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) in the treatment of childhood diarrhea programs


The Micronutrient
Initiative (MI) is an international Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
dedicated to ensuring that the world’s most vulnerable – especially women and
children in developing countries – get the vitamins and minerals they need
to survive and thrive. With headquarters in Ottawa, Canada MI maintains
regional offices in New Delhi, India and Dakar, Senegal that manages our
country offices in Asia and Africa.


MI is implementing a
project entitled “Reducing Iron Deficiency Anaemia in pregnant women and
reducing mortality and morbidity in children under five in Indonesia” which is
funded by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia. MI program
strategy proposes to support in improving the capacity of the health workers
and cadres for effective planning, delivery, monitoring and management of these
programs by reviewing of the existing training manuals for IFA for pregnant
women, vitamin A supplementation program for children under five and zinc and
ORS for children under five with diarrhea. Hence, MI seeks a consultant to
develop an integrated training manual for the key micronutrient supplementation
to improve knowledge and skills of health workers on use
and importance of the supplementation, estimation of supplies, provision
of  supplements, dose, benefits, how to
handle side effects and effective counselling for better compliance, program
monitoring and reporting.


specific responsibilities are described in website



Post graduate degree in public health, nutrition or
related fields.

At least 5-10 years of experience in the field of public health and capacity building.

Experience in the mentioned programs – IFA supplementation for pregnant women, Vitamin A for children under five, Zinc and ORS for children under five with diarrhea is prefered.

Competent in written and spoken English.


Previous experience working with MI is an asset


Interested and competent applicants are requested to submit i) application
letter with expected fee/budget; ii) recent Curriculum Vitae (CV); and iii) address of two referees. Application can be submitted through email to [email protected],
post or hand delivered to the address: MI Indonesia Office, Gedung Wirausaha
Lt. 2, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. C-5, Jakarta 12940.


The last date for receiving application is 1 January 2016. Only short
listed candidate will be called for further interview.


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