The Indonesianisland of Sumatra is of global importance for tiger conservation. It is home tothe Critically Endangered and endemic Sumatran sub-species for which there areestimated 500-600 individuals. A principle threat facing these tigers aredirect poaching to supply Asian markets, hunting of the tiger’s ungulate preybase, forest habitat loss and fragmentation due to economic development, andweak protected area management capacity. Historically, Sumatran tigerconservation efforts have been hindered by a lack of funding, varying localstakeholder commitment, limited capacity in frontline staff and slow uptake ofnew conservation tools (e.g. SMART), which would otherwise radically improvethe ability to detect, respond to and monitor changing threat levels and wouldstrengthen protected area management. However, this is now changing asillustrated by two projects: in Kerinci Seblat robust law enforcement patrolsin core areas by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), with FFIsupport, has reduced poaching and stabilized the tiger population, whereas innorthern Sumatra intelligence-led law enforcement operations by WCS, MoEF andthe police have greatly disrupted illegal wildlife trade networks throughongoing seizures, arrests and prosecutions. The policy framework for theseefforts is provided in the government of Indonesia’s comprehensive NationalConservation Strategy and Action Plan for the Conservation of Sumatran Tiger(2007-2017) and 2010 National Tiger Recovery Program (NTRP).
In 2015, aConsortium of NGOs, the Fauna & Flora International (FFI), WildlifeConservation Society (WCS), Zoological Society of London (ZSL), Panthera, andLeuser Conservation Forum (FKL), submitted a project concept targeting the IUCN– Integrated Tiger and Habitat Conservation Program (ITHCP) titled “Safeguarding Indonesia’s priority TigerConservation Landscapes” that will be implemented through three maincomponents,
1. Component 1. Support toprotected area management authorities – budget and activity planning, cameratrapping, forest ranger patrols etc
2. Component 2. Landscapeapproaches to support protected area – working with law enforcement agenciesand other government stakeholders and human-tiger conflict mitigationactivities
3. Component 3. Community-basedbuffer zone management – such as Hutan Desa,sustainable agricultural commodities production and awareness rising of tigerconservation.
The projecttargets four of the five priority Tiger Conservation Landscapes (Leuser-UluMasen, Kerinci Seblat, Berbak-Sembilang and Bukit Barisan Selatan) in Sumatra.Together these cover 69,138 km2, which is 76% of remaining tigerhabitat and >70% of the Sumatran tiger population. The consortium membersare the main NGOs working on tiger conservation in Sumatra. The Consortium nowhas >7 years’ experience of designing and successfully implementing jointprograms and policies to further tiger conservation in Sumatra, including thedevelopment of Indonesia’s NTRP, the design of the UNDP-GEF tiger project, andimplementation of Tigers Forever site-based protection activities withPanthera. These established and proven working relationships mean that theproject can be cost-effectively and efficiently implemented.
The project’s Environmentaland Social Management System (ESMS) has been screened following the IUCN’s ESMSPrinciples and Standards, and is now entering a Project Preparation Phase forthe full project proposal development. The screening has classified theproposed project at a moderate risk, which is mainly due to its potentialadverse impacts on rural community access restriction to natural resourceswithin protected areas. Typically, these impacts are site-specific and measuresshould be designed to mitigate the identified impacts. Thus, the Consortiumwill need to complete a site visit to each of the five landscapes and checkwhether the project will cause access restrictions to local communities or notand from this identify sensible solutions.
Oh behalf of theConsortium, FFI is now seeking a qualified Consultant to carry out a SocialImpact Assessment, design an Action Plan to mitigate impacts from access restrictions,and develop an Environmental and Social Management Plan, to mitigate potentialimpact of the project to the potentially impacted groups living around theproject sites. This work will be conducted remotely, except for a small two daytraining workshop run in Jakarta or Bogor for key staff who will conduct theassessments and consultations in the target landscapes.
Social Impact Assessment
Produce adesign to enable the NGOs to conduct a SocialImpact Assessment (SIA) to examine the social risks and identify appropriatemitigation measures, following the IUCN’s generic terms of reference (ToR) fora SIA, in the target landscapes. Aside from analyzing the social context andconfirming and assessing negative social impacts and risks, these assessmentsshould also propose feasible mitigation measures and opportunities fordevelopmental benefits, provide the baseline for monitoring social impacts, andpresent a draft version for the Environmental and Social Management Plan(ESMP). The generic ToR of the IUCN may be adapted and tailored by the Consultantto reflect the specific situation of the project (Annex 1).
Action Plan to Mitigate Impacts from AccessRestrictions
Develop anAction Plan for Mitigating Impacts from AccessRestriction. The project may involve the risk of negatively impacting localpeople’s livelihood by putting in place or promoting restrictions on the use ofand access to natural resources. In case the SIA confirms the risk of accessrestriction, then the affected groups should be involved in project design andthe formulation of mitigation measures as mandated by the IUCN’s Standard onInvoluntary Resettlement and Access Restriction. The Action Plan should implythat all restrictions planned by the project are known and that, inconsultation with the project-affected groups, mitigation measures have beendeveloped and agreed as well as requirements and implementation arrangements(Annex 2).
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Develop anEnvironmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP).The ESMP will become an integral part of project management. By proposingsuitable mitigation measures, the SIA has already provided the main elements ofthe ESMP. However, some details need to be added by the project. Please notethe difference between Action Plan mentioned above and ESMP: the Action Plan isa document developed jointly with groups affected by access restrictions. Itneeds to be devised in a culturally appropriate way comprehensible for theinvolved actors. The Action Plan only responds to impacts related to accessrestriction. The ESMP is a project management tool synthesizing all impacts expectedfrom the project (not only access restriction) and respective mitigationmeasures. The ESMP will become part of the project’s implementation andmonitoring obligations and the contractual agreement between IUCN and theagencies executing the project (Annex 3).
The followingtasks are anticipated to be performed by the consultant in order to produce theOutputs (Section E),
– Review all relevant projectdocuments: project design in the concept note, donor comments on the conceptstage environmental and social safeguard document.
– Produce a standard design forthe planned site visits (which will represent a 2 day workshop at each site).
– Train a group of facilitatorsin the defined methodology to conduct site level social impact assessment.
– Remotely lead the facilitatorsto conduct the assessment to collect a baseline dataset on socio-economic ofthe potentially impacted groups for social impact monitoring during the projectimplementation by providing remote support during site visits (mainly in theform of answering questions from the field team)
– Write the final report(compiling landscape reports that are produced by the respective field teams).
The consultantshould provide FFI with the following reports and documentation:
1. Standardmethodology/consultation framework design for conducting socio-economicassessments in the target landscapes
2. Social Impact Assessment Reporton how the screening table (provided by the donor) has been addressed.
3. Environmental and Social ManagementPlan (ESMP).
4. Action Plan for Mitigating Impactsfrom Access Restriction.
The work shouldstart no later than February 1 2016 and all outputs must be provided no laterthan February 28, 2016.
The remunerationfor the services provided by the Consultant will be a lump-sum that is paidupon delivery of the outputs within the timeframe specified in this Terms ofReference.
– Over seven years’ experience indesigning and conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
– Excellent knowledge of Socialand Biodiversity Impact Assessment Manual, Climate, Community &Biodiversity; (CCB) Standards and IUCN guidelines on community accessrestrictions.
– Over seven years’ experienceworking on social, protected area, forests management issues in Indonesia, withwork experience from other ASEAN nations an advantage.
– Excellent track record ondelivering high-quality reports on-time.
– Excellent interpersonal andwritten/verbal communication skills in both English and Indonesian.
Biodiversity andWildlife Conservation Advisor (Fauna & Flora International – IndonesiaProgramme)
Qualified candidatesshall send a cover letter and a short resume to [email protected] and cc to [email protected]. No correspondence and only short-listedcandidates will be notified. Your email should have a subject heading of ESIA Consultant. Deadline: January 22, 2016.
– 1: IUCN Terms of Reference forESMS Social Impact Assessment.
– 2: IUCN Guideline for ESMSAction Plan to Mitigate Impacts from Access Restriction.
– 3: IUCN Guideline and Templatefor ESMS Environmental and Social Management Plan.
Those annexes can be seen from the following attachment: