Vacancy : Individual Consultant – Review and Modification of VAS National Guideline


A National Guideline on the Management of Vitamin A Supplementation
Program (VAS) was developed by  MoH in
collaboration with Micronutrient Initiative, UNICEF, and SEAMEO-TROPMED UI
(Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization in Tropical Medicine,
University of Indonesia) and launched by MoH in 2009. Those guidelines have
been used by the nutrition officers at all level (national, province and
district) and also used by the frontline health workers at Puskesmas level as
guidance to deliver the VAS program.


 Up to recently, the National VAS
guideline has not been reviewed and adjusted based on the change and needs in
the field such as  current Global and
National situation on Vitamin A deficiency problems, standardized specification
of Vitamin A capsule,   format of monitoring,
evaluation and reporting system, and e-procurement mechanism of supply chain.

To date, MI  will support MoH to
review and modification of VAS national guideline. Therefore, MI seeks a
consultant to collaboration with MoH to review and modify VAS national


The specific responsibilities are described in website



At least 10 years of experience in the field of nutrition
program/public health and good collaboration work with MoH and stakeholders at
national level.

Has excellent knowledge on VAS program and policy in Indonesia

Has experience to arrange and held several workshops with stakeholder,
government at national level

Competent in written and spoken English.

Previous experience working with MI is an asset


Interested and competent applicants are requested
to submit i) application letter with expected fee/budget; ii) recent Curriculum Vitae (CV); and iii) address of two referees.
Application can be submitted through email to [email protected],
post or hand delivered to the address: MI Indonesia Office, Gedung Wirausaha
Lt. 2, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. C-5, Jakarta 12940.


The last date for receiving application is 1 Jan 2016. Only short listed candidate will be called for
further interview.


Regards, The Micronutrient

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