About our organization

The World Agroforestry Centre (also known as ICRAF) in Southeast Asiais the region’s leading agroforestry research-in-development organization whichgenerates science-based knowledge about thecomplex role trees play in agricultural landscapes and rural livelihoods. Aspart of the Centre’s work to bring tree-based solutions to bear on poverty andenvironmental problems, researchers – working in close collaboration withpartners – are developing new technologies, tools and policy recommendationsfor increased food security and ecosystem health.

The Centre’s headquarters are located in Nairobi, Kenya, and researchis conducted in 34 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. We aresupported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research(CGIAR) and receive funding from over 50 different donors.

To learn more about our organization, pleasevisit our website:

About the position

The TemporaryResearch Assistant will work closely withthe Land-basedConservation-development Planning Specialist to do on primary and secondary data collecting, data analysis, and supportingtraining activities in ICRAF.

For a detailed Job Description please visit


Minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree from reputableuniversity in Forestry, Soil Science, Development Planning, Social Science,Statistic.

Personal Competencies

§  Goodcommand in  English (verbal & written)

§  GISsoftware  and SPSS

§  MSoffice: excel, word, access, power point

§  Abilityto work with all levels of staff across a multi-cultural, multi-layer,  multi-discipline organization

§  Possessa high level of interpersonal and communication skills

§  Possessa high degree of flexibility and adaptability to various situations


Terms of offer

The WorldAgroforestry Centre is an equal opportunity employer and offers a collegial andgender-sensitive working environment. We believe that staff diversity promotesexcellence and strongly encourage applications from qualified women. This is anational position and will be for a period of 6 (six) months.

How to apply

Applications for the position must include:

–       A cover letter illustrating your suitability for the position againstthe listed requirements and salary expectations.

–       Detail curriculum vitae, including names and addresses of threereferees, including telephone, fax numbers and email addresses.

All correspondence should be addressed to the Human Resources Unit, WorldAgroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Southeast Asia Regional Office via email: [email protected] and should indicate “Applicationfor Temporary Research Assistant” on their application letters and emailsubmissions.

Applications will be considered until 17 May 2017or until a suitable candidate is identified and selected.  Please note that only short-listed applicantsmeeting the above requirements will be contacted.

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