VACANCY USAID/IUWASH PLUS : WASH Facilitators for North Sumatera Region
USAID Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene ‘Penyehatan Lingkungan
Untuk Semua’ (IUWASH PLUS) program is a five-year initiative designed to assist
the Government of Indonesia in increasing access to water supply and sanitation
services as well as improving key hygiene behaviors among urban poor and
vulnerable populations. Implemented by DAI Global LLC, IUWASH PLUS works with
governmental agencies, the private sector, NGOs, communities and others to
achieve the following “high level” results:
An increase of one million people in urban
areas receiving improved water supply services quality, of which at least
500,000 are from the bottom two wealth quintiles (i.e. bottom 40%) or
Indonesia’s eastern provinces; and
· An increase of 500,000
people in urban areas with access to safely managed sanitation services, all of
whom are from the bottom two wealth quintiles or Indonesia’s eastern provinces.
To ensure
that improvements in access to WASH services are sustained, IUWASH PLUS is
guided by a development hypothesis that focuses on strengthening service
delivery systems so they can more effectively reach the poorest and most
vulnerable segments of the population. In order to achieve this at scale,
IUWASH PLUS undertakes activities through four interrelated components,
including: 1) Improving household WASH services; 2) Strengthening city WASH institutional
performance; 3) Strengthening the WASH financing environment; and 4) Advancing
national WASH advocacy, coordination and communication.
To achieve
these outcomes IUWASH-PLUS need high caliber candidates to fill the position of
WASH Facilitators (5 persons) for North Sumatra Region that will be
operated in the Cities of:
Medan (JOB
Code: WFNSRO-Medan)
Tebing Tinggi (JOB
Code: WFNSRO-TebingTinggi)
Pematang Siantar (JOB
Code: WFNSRO-PematangSiantar)
Sibolga (JOB
Code: WFNSRO-Sibolga)
Deli Serdang
district. (JOB
Code: WFNSRO-DeliSerdang)
One facilitator will be responsible and based in one
city or district as mentioned above.
The primary objective of the WASH Facilitator
position is to: support implementation of
IUWASH PLUS field activities, particularly those that target poor and
low income households within the bottom two wealth quintiles of the population
(referred to as the “B40”); and to develop and maintain excellent relations
with all relevant stakeholders in their designated workarea
(community groups, CBOs, local government, universities,
local NGOs, Private
sectors/CSR etc.).
In close
coordination with All Regional Specialist and BC/Marketing Associates, the
tasks and responsibilities of the WASH Facillitator will include, but not
be limited to the following:
Planning, Coordination and Implementation:
Conduct series of preparation/promotion meetings at the community level to
socialize the program and engaging community to actively involve
and contribute in WASH activities and increasing access to WASH facilities
Supervise project implementation and maintenance conducted in field
including stakeholder involvement and clarifying their responsibilities during
Ensure that policies and regulations related to the program are
applied properly during implementation to avoid disturbance from other parties.
Working closely with community health center,
community leader, CBO, PKK, youth group to promote hygiene behavior, the
importance of sanitation facility and access to sanitation facility, and access
to clean water
Together with Regional Specialist to support
the strengthening of CBOs managed the community-based water supply and
sanitation facilities.
Developing communication and marketing channel
at the community level to promote WASH and increasing WASH access
Identifying potential community
organizer/leader among the community member to support community organization
and community event
Facilitating community meetings and working
closely with community leader and community member to conduct participatory
assessment (social mapping, transect walk, FGD), facilitate community planning
(vision mapping, workplan) and conducting/coordinating WASH promotion
Documenting the participatory
assessment and community planning process and ensure the use of the material
(especially social mapping and vision mapping) as participatory monitoring
Assisting and ensure the community
to implement participatory monitoring and evaluation and support the
documentation of the participatory monitoring and evaluation
Monitoring and
Closely monitor IUWASH PLUS
activities at local level and keep regional staff informed on status
of activities, problems encountered, etc., and actively solicit the support of
such staff as needs arise.
Collect relevant community and household level data
related to project planning including issues which can cause problems during or
after implementation, including coordination with related stakeholders to
ensure these issues can be resolved
Oversee local level data collection
required for appropriate monitoring of IUWASH PLUS activities
and the tracking of results and outcomes.
Ensuring that all community member have
equal opportunity to participate on the activities, opinion and contribution,
as well as ensuring gender sensitivity in the implementation
Ensuring that low income communities are main targetted beneficiaries of
the project implementation, and that high community demand and participation
contribute to project sustainability before, during and after project
In close collaboration with regional
WASH Finance Specialist facilitating/engaging community with MFI/koperasi/CSR
to increase WASH access
Support the regional team to develop the post project
activities planning and ensure the community and the CBOs abble to manage and
conduct the operation after project completion.
Support the other technical specialists on planning, technical assessments
and surveys to ensure that plans and design are developed properly
In close collaboration with
specialists organize and facilitate training/capacity building for community
member/CBO and other stakeholder
In close collaboration with
BC/Marketing Specialist and Governance Specialist organizing meeting between
community and LG to share activities implemented and achieved by community.
In close collaboration with
Governance Specialist and BC/Marketing Specialist actively support the
Musrenbang process to ensure WASH is included in government program
Regularly communicate with other
IUWASH PLUS staffs (regional team,
technical specialists, others part time consultants hired for spesific taks as required) to ensure local level activities benefit from the best
available ideas and input.
Coordination with Institutional Partners:
Maintain communication and partnership with LG
(including Pokja AMPL/Sanitasi), private sectors/CSR, university, CBO, LG
agencies and other stakeholder.
Establishing partnership with government at
district and village/kelurahan level, maintaining communication and engaging
into IUWASH PLUS activities, especially at community level.
Reporting /
Produce regular reports (bi-weekly,
monthly, quarterly, etc.) on project implementation at the local level,
highlighting results/outcomes, programmatic successes, problems encountered and
possible solutions.
Conduct other tasks as required and
which are consistent with the above.
General Qualifications:
· Holding Bachelor degree
in a relevant field is preferable;
· At least 5 years
experience working with community, preferably in WASH sector;
· Strong facilitation
skill, knowledge and experience in participatory approach as well as
participatory monitoring and evaluation, preferably experience in WASH sector;
· Understand the
implementation of WASH related project (starting from planning cycle up to the
implementation stages) by other donors and LG agencies;
· Good communication skill
and experience working with multi stakeholder; government (including Pojka
AMPL/Sanitasi), CBO, PKK, private sector/CSR, koperasi/MFI, university etc.;
Expected Start Date: Available immediately
applicants are invited to send a complete application with 3 references to
[email protected] before November 12, 2016.
Please write the job CODE in the subject line of the email. We regret that we
are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted
candidates will be notified.