[Vacancy] Videographer for Construction Training
Terms of Reference (TOR)
of Contents
at the forefront of developing and delivering solutions to the water crisis for
more than two decades. Founded by Gary White and Matt Damon, Water.org
challenges the traditional approach by pioneering innovative, community-driven,
and market-based solutions to ensure all people have access to safe water and
sanitation; giving women hope, children health, and communities a future.
Water.org has positively transformed the lives of more than three million
individuals in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean by providing
access to safe water and improved sanitation. Water.org’s headquarters is in
Kansas City, Missouri, USA.ApproachWater.org empowers
people to take action and deliver solutions that accelerate progress and
impact. The approach ranges from building and rehabilitating wells and toilets
to pioneering market‐based approaches such as WaterCredit. Its work is
comprehensive and demand‐driven – communities know what solutions will work
best for them in the long‐term – and rooted in local technologies and
innovations. Water.org works in partnership with local non-governmental
organizations and microfinance institutions to achieve its objectives. The construction
training videos will focus on providing visual guidance to local masons on how to
build proper water and sanitation facilities. WaterCredit
InitiativeWaterCredit empowers
those living in poverty to gain access to affordable credit to meet their own
water and sanitation needs. This comprehensive initiative puts microfinance
tools to work in the water and sanitation sector.II.
& CONTENTThis TOR has been prepared with the aim of engaging third
party consultant for periodic to produce construction training videos to be
used as training materials for local masons of Water.org MFI partners.III.
OF WORK Based on the provisions and details of these TOR, Water.org will contract
with the Consultant to perform the “WASH Access Orientation” (WAO) Video), “Mason Instruction Guide” (MIG) Video, “Quality Control” (QC) Video, and “Operation and Maintenance” (O&M)
Video following main tasks:(1)
Task 1: Prepare “storylines” of WAO, MIG, QC, and O&M
Videos. List of water and sanitation
facilities to be covered is as follows:1.
(type TBC): Pit latrine or Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine or Pit latrine
with slab or Composing toiletb)
Toilet1) Superstructure–
Model 1:
Model 2:
Concrete with additional features e.g. tiling 2) Mid-structure3) Substructure–
Septic tank model
1: Molding–
Septic tank
model 2: Fiber glass/plastic biofilter –
Septic tank
model 3: Concrete hollow block–
Septic tank model
4: Concrete ring beam The Consultant shall present the mentioned
storylines above to Water.org and Water.org MFI partners. The storylines shall
describe the various segments of the video and what will each
segment contain. All four videos
should be in high definition (HD) video.
The WAO Video should at least cover following features:a)
the extent of access to water and sanitation services based on statistics and
recent studies. d)
The basic
script will be provided by Water.org and such basic script shall be improved
and fleshed out by the Consultant. Such storyline and script will be used by
the Narrator talent. b)
There is a
voice over and light music in the audio part of the video. c)
utilize the photos to be provided by Water.org and other footages that can be
obtained by the Videographer Consultant from various sources, including fresh
footages taken in rural and urban areas.
Should not
be longer than 10 minutes.The
MIG Video should have the following
basic features: a)
contain technical information on proper construction method and procedures but
presented in a simple manner for non-engineers and scientists; b)
There should
be a Narrator who shall explain the construction process. The language of the
Narrator should be in Bahasa, but a few sections of the video may have some
English translations; A “Master Mason Trainer” shall work with the Narrator, in
describing the construction process. c)
Be designed
for practicality and should be understood easily by ordinary masons (who
usually have little formal education). The construction process shall be
explained clearly, with step-by-step procedure, explaining the reasons for each
describe clearly the step –by- step procedure for building water and sanitation
facilities, following the specifications prepared by Water.org MFI partners. e)
The Narrator
should explain the reasons why there is a need for a well-constructed septic
tank that conforms to minimum standards and explaining the benefits of having a
sanitation facility for the health and convenience of the family f)
footages, the video should include pictures, diagrams and charts, that are all
essential in understanding how to construct the toilet facility. It should
include 3 to 4 pictures of fully constructed toilet facilities, with brief
positive testimonies or statements from happy owners. g)
As much as
possible, the length of the MIG Video should be limited to 60 minutes only, but
if necessary, and upon prior approval of Water.org, the length can be as long
as 90 minutes maximum. Detailed length of each instruction guide is estimated as
facilities (15 mins): Water connection – 5 mins, borewell – 5 mins, and tubewell
– 5 mins.–
Sanitation facilities
(35 mins): Latrine – 5 mins, Toilet model 1 – 5 mins, toilet model 2 – 5 mins,
septic tank model 1 – 5 mins, septic tank model 2 – 5 mins, septic tank model 3
– 5 mins, and septic tank model 4 – 5 mins.The QC Video should at
least cover following features:a)
contain technical information on how to check key check points of good quality
of each type of constructed water and sanitation facilities but presented in a
simple manner for non-engineers and scientists; b)
describe clearly the features of key check points of good constructed
facilities compared to poor constructed facilities. Recommend and demonstrate
how to avoid such mistakes in construction following the specifications
prepared by Water.org MFI partners. c)
There should
be a Narrator who shall explain the QC process. The language of the Narrator
should be in Bahasa, but a few sections of the video may have some English
translations; A “Master Mason Trainer” shall work with the Narrator, in
describing the QC process. d)
Should not
be longer than 10 minutes.The O&M Video
should at least cover following features:a)
contain technical information on proper O&M method, procedures, possible
operators and expected time of O&M but presented in a simple manner for
non-engineers and scientists; b)
There should
be a Narrator who shall explain the O&M. The language of the Narrator
should be in Bahasa, but a few sections of the video may have some English
translations; A “Master Mason Trainer” shall work with the Narrator, in
describing the O&M process. c)
Should not
be longer than 5 minutes.After the approval of the WAO, MIG,
QC, and O&M storylines, and after due
consultation with the Master Mason Trainer, the Consultant shall prepare detailed
“scripts” which are essentially a list of the key
topics or messages that will be mentioned by the Narrator in each of the
segments. The Consultant shall furnish both Water.org and Water.org MFI
partners a copy of the written scripts. (2)
Task 2: Tape for the WAO, MIG, QC and O&M Videos and
present drafts of the videos The taping for the MIG, QC, and
O&M Videos shall be done in a rural area, and which will be determined
during the planning phase. Water.org MFI partners shall arrange the places of
clients or households where the actual water connection and toilets will be
constructed, arrange financing and procurement of materials and local laborers.
The places will be in the same municipality. The Consultant shall arrange to
secure at least one Master Mason Trainer, who will describe and narrate how the
construction is done and cost of Master Mason Trainer shall be included in the proposal.
The Consultant shall bring his video crew to videotape and record the
construction work of the nine water and sanitation facilities. The Consultant shall hold scheduled
meetings with Water.org MFI partners and Water.org to present drafts of the
videos and gather comments and feedback. The first drafts of the MIG, WAO, QC,
and O&M Videos shall be reviewed by the representatives of Water.org MFI
partners and Water.org; changes shall be made to the four videos based on the
comments provided. Water.org could give up to two rounds of comments.(3)
Task 3: Pre-test of the videosThere shall be a Pre-test of the MIG video,
where it will be shown to 6 local masons (2 in rural areas, 2 in peri-urban areas
and 2 in urban areas), 6 Loan Officers (2 in rural areas, 2 in peri-urban areas
and 2 in urban areas), and Water.org MFI partners’ WASH Team, in order to get
their feedback. Based on the feedback obtained, further changes shall be made
to the videos. Water.org MFI partners will take care of this Pre-testing work,
and shall collect the feedback from those masons and loan officers. A Pre-test
of the WAO, QC, and O&M Videos shall be done also by both Water.org MFI
partners and Water.org. (4)
Task 4: Final videos outputsThe final video outputs of these four
videos shall be presented and submitted in compact disks and USB drives. Video
formats are to be confirmed by Water.org. The Consultant shall also submit all
raw video footages taken in the field. (5)
Task 5: Edition of final videos outputsWater.org will distribute the final
videos to its MFI partners to test out the videos. It’s foreseen that more
editions may be needed to make the videos fit to each local context or
operating area of Water.org MFI partners. The Consultant shall present the
final edited videos to representatives of Water.org MFI partners and Water.org;
changes shall be made to the four videos based on the comments provided.
Water.org could give up to two rounds of comments.The Consultant may also recommend
additional information beyond that outlined above, if the Consultant deems it
necessary to achieve the stated purpose of the four videos. IV.
Deliverables |
% of Installment |
Upon contract signing | 15% |
Task 1: Prepare “storylines” of WAO, MIG, QC, and O&M Videos. |
25% |
Task 2: Tape for the WAO, MIG, QC and O&M Videos and present drafts of the videos Task 3: Pre-test of the videos |
30% |
Task 4 & 5:Final videos outputs and Edition of final videos outputs |
30% |
TIMELINEExpected TimelineThe approximate time
requirements for the activities (after agreement signed) are as follows:
Task 1 – 5 |
Task 1 |
3 weeks |
2 |
6 weeks |
Task 3 |
1 weeks |
Task 4 |
6 weeks |
Task 5 |
4 weeks |
Total timeline | 20 weeks* |
Total timeline after contract signing.
Consultant’s Proposal due to Water.org |
August 20th, 2016 |
Proposal Review and Consultant Interviews |
August 21st – August 30th, 2016 |
Contract Negotiation, Finalization of Agreement, and Engagement Begins |
September 1st – September 9th , 2016 |
Draft “storylines” of WAO, MIG, QC, and O&M Videos. | September 10th – September 30th 2016 |
Draft tapes for the WAO, MIG, QC and O&M Videos and present drafts of the videos |
October 1st – November 11th, 2016 |
Pilot, testing and evaluation |
November 12th – December 30th, 2016 |
All Final Deliverables due to Water.org |
January 27th, 2017 |
proposed budget shall be included with the Consultant’s submission, and the
final budget approval shall be fixed and not subject to negotiation. A sample budget template is provided below. The Consultant shall provide budget
information either in this format, or in a manner that includes similar
details. All taxes should be included in
the budget. The Consultant shall be
responsible for payment of all taxes. All amounts shall be presented in
IDR. Budget notes are encouraged.
Planned Activity Dates |
Estimated Person-days |
Personnel Expenses |
Unit Cost | Total | |||
Activities – Total |
Other Engagement Expenses | No. of Trips (travel) | No. of Persons (travel) | Unit Cost | Total |
Travel |
Flights |
Train |
Auto/Other |
Communication |
Supplies |
Taxes | Type of Tax | Tax % |
Total – Other Expenses |
Grand Total |
individuals, groups of individuals with a designated team lead, or firms.
Applicants must have at a minimum the following qualifications:
staffing plan includes at least one graphic designer/camera man and one civil
engineer. Preferably fluent English speakers 2.
experience and familiarity with the water and sanitation sector3.
understanding and knowledge about masonry and construction activities 4.
designing relevant communication and video materials (must be willing to show
some example video outputs prepared for past customers) 5.
graphic design skills preferred6.
to do taping in rural locations
Proposals including detailed
work plan should be submitted to Pritta Basuki, Country
WaterCredit Officer, at [email protected] no later
than August 20th, 2016 noting “Videos for Construction Training” in the
subject line. Proposals submitted after
this datewill not be considered.