Vacancy with RTI – Technical Assistance SEAMEO Parenting Education & Early Childhood Education

Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) and the Directorate General of Early
Childhood and Community Education (DG EC&CE) are preparing to establish a
SEAMEO Centre for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and Parenting
Education in Indonesia (the Centre) and for that Centre to become, overtime, a
regionally recognized center of excellence. The
Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
(DFAT) has committed to support to the DG EC&CE in this effort by providing
a technical assistance package to help the Directorate General EC&CE to
articulate a comprehensive and robust strategy to develop an Indonesia based
and supported international standard Centre for early childhood education and
parenting that would serve both Indonesia and the SEAMEO community. To
support MoEC’s DG EC&CE in the establishment of a SEAMEO Centre for Early
Childhood Education and Parenting Education in Indonesia, we are opening two
National Technical Assistance positions: 1.    
specialist in Parenting Education  2.    
specialist in Early Childhood Education
specialists should have experience in the adaptation of good international and
local good practice and innovative approaches to the ASEAN context. They are
also required to have at least of five years of highly relevant experience and
an appropriate level of post-graduate education, and demonstrate that they have
a thorough understanding of the Indonesian education system and of the current
reform agenda of the MoEC and that they have previously worked in a consultancy
role in the sector in the area of ECCE or parenting or at a SEAMEO Centre. The
consultancy will first work with the DG EC&CE to establish the vision,
mission, and preferred option for the organizational structure of the Centre.
Once agreement is reached with MoEC’s leadership on these three essentials
elements of the Centre’s purpose, the consultancy will complete a feasibility
study for the Centre and, drawing the results of the feasibility study, a
proposal for the Centre that DG EC&CE will present to the SEAMEO Senior Officials
Meeting in November. Expected Inputs/Outputs:1.    
task plan2.    
feasibility study report on the establishment of SEAMEO Centre for Early
Childhood Education and Parenting Education in Indonesia3.    
proposal for the establishment of SEAMEO Centre for Early Childhood Education
and Parenting Education in Indonesia4.    
cost and financing plan for the proposed Centre – not to exceed ten pages
excluding a two page executive summary and essential annexes Four
presentations to the DG of Early Childhood and Community Education and DFAT:a.    
Task Planb.    
brief mid-activity progress reportc.    
draft feasibility studyd.    
draft proposal for ASEAM SOM in November 2016 Estimate time frame: 40 days to be
completed between September-November 2016.
candidates should submit the application by September 2, 2016 to [email protected]. Please indicate the
position you are applying for in the email subject. RTI values equal employment
opportunities. Female candidates are encouraged to apply. Only short listed
candidates will be contacted.

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