Dear Colleagues,
Please find various vacancy in IMA World Health.
National Nutrition Communicati on CampaignJakarta, Indonesia Introduction — Through the Nat ional Nutrition Communications Campaign (NNCC), Millennium Challenge A ccount –Indonesia (MCA-I)is supporting the Ministry of Health in Indonesia to raise a wareness of and promote behavi or change to prevent and reduce stunting. This campaign will focus in three districts : Ogan Kumiling Ilir (South Sumatera), Landak (West Kalimantan), andKapuas (Centra l Kalimantan), while the mass media campaign willhave national coverage. IMA World Health is the Implementer of NNCCis looking for professionalperson to fill in the position, please see the detailed TOR/SOW attached. All applications will be treated in confidence. Onlyshort-listed candidates will be notified and invited for interviews. Pleasesubmit your letter of application and detailed curriculum vitae in English by February 3,2017 and email to:recruitmentimaworldhealth@gmai
Thank you & Best Regard,IMA WORLD HEALTH