About the organization:

Yayasan Relief Islami Indonesia (YRII) is an independent humanitarian and development organization. YRII, previously Islamic Relief Worldwide in Indonesia as globally with Islamic Relief Worldwide we have been fighting poverty and injustice for 30 years, in a world where more than three billion people still live in poverty


Country Purpose:

Islamic Relief Worldwide in Indonesia has been operating since 2003 and officially became Yayasan Relief Islami Indonesia in January 2022. The objective of the Yayasan Relief Islami Indonesia program is to contribute to the social welfare of the Indonesian people and to alleviate suffering. The main sectors for the program include:

  • Water and Sanitation
  • Sustainable livelihood
  • Education
  • Child Welfare
  • Shelter
  • Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Climate Change

The geographical area: NTB, Aceh, Central Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, and Jakarta Province will be expanded to all regions of Indonesia according to the development of the organization. The implementation of the program is carried out directly by YRII or through cooperation partners.

Yayasan Relief Islami Indonesia is seeking some positions based in North Aceh, as follows:

  1. Shelter Coo0rdinator (Position Code: SCAU)- 1 Position
  2. Logistic & Admin Assistant (Position Code: LAAU) – 1 Position
  3. Shelter Community Mobilizer (Position Code: SCMAU) – 2 Positions


Overall Responsibility:

  • Shelter Coordinator – The Shelter Coordinator will provide support for the implementation of shelter projects and is expected to be able to provide support in all aspects of the program related to shelter management. These include technical and engineering assistance, report and project evaluation production, insurance of financial accountability, and the ability to act as a focal point on shelter issues. Shelter Experts will primarily deployed at Aceh Utara site.
  • Logistic & Admin Assistant – A Logistics Admin Assiatnt plays a crucial role in managing and coordinating the logistics operations of a organization. These responsibilities ensure that the logistics operations run smoothly and efficiently, ultimately contributing to the overall success of the organization.
  • Shelter Community Mobilizer – Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Project Coordinator, the Shelter Community Mobilizer will support the implementation of the project activities at the grassroots level. The shelter community mobilizer will organize and coordinate project activities at the community level in consultation with relevant local stakeholders. This position will be based in 4 areas: Aceh, Cianjur, Lombok, and Palu



All YRII team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring, and evaluation of our field project


Yayasan Relief Islami Indonesia participates in the inter-agency Misconduct Scheme to ensure that our operations and programs, staff, representatives, children, young people, and people at risk are protected against the risk of harm and abuse. With a zero-tolerance approach, YRII is committed to responding appropriately and constructively to any information related to safeguarding issues during the recruitment process.

How to Apply

For detailed information about the job description and the requirements, please visit this link


Or you may directly submit your application by completing the application form through this link:


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