YAYASAN KASIH SUWITNO Job Vacancy: Administrator and Data entry Assistant (ADEA)

Yayasan Kasih Suwitno (YKS) will work with the Ministry of Health to strengthen
HIV and STI services for high risk groups in 38 Districts across Indonesia supported by Global Fund
for AIDS TB and Malaria (GFATM).
Currently Yayasan Kasih Suwitno is looking for:



and Data entry Assistant




Under the supervision of the Program officer – the Administrator and Data entry Assistant
(ADEA) will be assisting the
selected clinic sites in Financial, administrative,
procurement and Data Entry.

Summary of


1.       Prepare
the monthly Financial report based on the YKS format to the YKS office

laporang keuangan bulanan sesuai dengan format YKS ke kantor pusat YKS.

2.       Completing
the monthly financial report with the original evidence (receipt, bill and
other supporting documents)

laporan keuangan bulanan dengan tanda bukti asli: kwitansi, tanda terima dan
dokumen pendukung lainny

3.       Distirbuting
the remuneration to the Puskesmas staff based on the decree 

pendistribusian pembayaran untuk Staf puskesmas sesuai dengan SK

4.       Submit
the monthly financial report in soft and hard copy to the YKS office, Jakarta
on timely basis

laporan keuangan bulanan dalam bentuk soft copy dan hard copy ke kantor pusat
YKS, di Jakarta secara tepat waktu

5.       Ensure
the monthly financial report is completed and proper based on the Financial SOP
of YKS

laporan keuangan bulanan telah lengkap sesuai dengan peraturan keuangan YKS


1.       Under
coordinationg with the head office of YKS, executing the procurement of
Non-Asset or stuff based on the approved list and follows to the procurement
guidelines of YKS

bawah koordinasi/petunjuk dari kantor pusat YKS, melakukan pembelian Non-Aset
atau barang-barang yang telah disetujui dalam daftar dan melakukannya sesuai
dengan peraturan Procurement YKS

2.       Prepare
the monthly report of inventory/asset procured under Globad Fund

laporan bulanan aset/barang yang dibeli dari dana Global Fund

3.       Reporting
the broken, lost asset and Non Asset using the formatted form and follows the
report procedure of YKS

adanya kerusakan, kehilangan aset dan Non-aset dengan menggunakan formulir yang
sudah disediakan dan sesuai dengan prosedur pelaporan YKS

Administrasi dan Data Entry/Administrative & Data

1.       Monitor
and collect the time sheet of Puskesmas Staff based of the decree

dan mengumpulkan time sheet staff Puskesma sesuai dengan SK

2.       Assist
in drafting the invitation of monthly meeting as well as distributing the

menyiapkan draft undangan pertemuan bulanan 
dan mendistribusikan

3.       Assist
in preparing the logistic for the monthly meeting

dalam mempersiapkan pertemuan bulanan

4.       Prepare
MoM of monthly meeting and reported along with the monthly financial report

Notulensi untuk pertemuan bulanan dan melaporakan bersamaan dengan Laporan
keuangan bulanan

5.       Prepare
the attendance list of monthly meeting and enclosed on the monthly financial

daftar hadir peserta pertemuan bulanan dan melampirakan dalam laporan keuangan

6.       Documented
the activity of Puskesmas (Strengthen MSM friendly service sites/clinics and
mobile testing)

kegiatan (Penguatan Layanan Ramah LSL di puskesmas dan Mobile testing)

7.       Cooperating
with RR (Report and Register) officer in entering data

dengan petugas RR (Pencatatan dan Pelaporan) puskesmas dalam hal data entri


Education, knowledge and experience

§  Bachelor’s degree in relevant fields is required. 

§  Fresh Graduate

§  Must have excellent communication skills, verbal and written
and understanding English


Personal attributes
and competencies


Honest and trusted person
(Jujur dan dapat dipercaya)

§  The candidate is expected to work
remotely using his/her own computer, but may access the Puskesmas office
printing or relevant documents or should he/she be required to work on-site at
any point during the assignment.

Kandidat diharapkan bias bekerja secara
jarak jauh dengan menggunakan computer pribadi, tetapi dapat mengakses printer
Puskesmas untuk document yang dibutuhkan atau Kandidat juga diminta untuk
bekerja di lapangan sesuai permintaan/penempatan


Terms and conditions

The duty station will be at
Partner office in Malang-1 post, Surabaya-1 post,  Semarang-1 post, Solo- 1 post;  Kota Bandung-1 post, Kota Bekasi-1 post, Kota
Depok-1 post; Kota Bogor-1 post


Application process

§    The application deadline is 19 October 2016. 

§    Please
send the application with Subject: “YKS_ADEA_LOCATION_Post_name”of applicantto [email protected]

We will acknowledge all applications,
but will contact only short-listed candidates.


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