Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik (Save the Children) seeks Case Worker, 5 positions

Save the Children is an international NGO and the world’s top independent charity for children in need. Since 1919, we have been fighting for children’s rights, saving their lives and providing
hope for brighter futures worldwide.  Save the Children’s programs in Indonesia is implemented by Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik. We currently work in eleven provinces, have staff of approximately 300 local professionals, and programming in Child Protection,
Education, Health and Nutrition, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Humanitarian Response.  We are currently seeking to fill the following position:


1 position, based in
Kota Bandung

1 position, based in Kab. Bandung

1 position, based in Kab Bandung Barat

1 position based in Kab Cianjur

1 position based in Sumba Barat

Code : PO-ASSI




Save the Children have been working with Ministry of Social Affairs and other key stakeholders and social service providers for more than 8 years, to support a major shift in policy and
practice in the way child protection and care is understood and delivered.  This is resulted a long term program to shift the paradigm from institutionalization based towards family based care.  The Families First Program develop its strategies to achieve
paradigm shift as follows:


On Preventing Institutionalization: Stakeholders including families understand the importance of family care for children,
are able to take care of children within their own homes or in other type of family-based alternative care, and able to access services and support in their own communities.


On Direct Response: Girls and boys facing care and protection issues are supported through effective and appropriate responses
based on their individual needs and best interests from the Children and Family Support Center (PDAK)


On Legal and Policy Change: National, provincial and district laws provide legal safeguards to girls and boys, preventing
unnecessary institutionalization, and promoting family based care


The program was just recently received additional funding to replicate the PDAK model in some districts with focus on establishing PDAK to strengthening child protection system, alternative
care mechanism and social work practices.  The post of case worker is established to ensure that social work practices with children and family who need child protection response is in place in provincial and district level with high quality standard. Case
Worker leads social workers in case management works and builds the capacity of social workers teamto manage cases under collaborate with MOSA. 



Please visit our site for more detail:http://indonesia.savethechildren.net/jobs

Updated CV and application letter should be sent to [email protected]

Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format:
><your name><preffered city

Closing date for application is up to 
25 March

(Only short-listed candidates will be notified)

Save the Children encourages qualified candidates to apply regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability

All recruitment practices and procedures reflect Save the Children’s commitment to protecting children from abuse

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