Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik (Save the Children) seeks Child Protection Advisor

Save the Children is an international NGO and the world’s top independent charity for children in need. Since 1919, we have been fighting for children’s rights, saving their lives and providing hope
for brighter futures worldwide.  Save the Children’s programs in Indonesia is implemented by Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik. We currently work in eleven provinces, have staff of approximately 300 local professionals, and programming in Child Protection, Education,
Health and Nutrition, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Humanitarian Response.  We are currently seeking to fill the following position:


1 position, based in Jakarta
(with regular travel to field – at least 20% of time)

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As a member of the Program Development and Quality team, Child Protection Advisor is responsible for leading the strategic development of a full spectrum high quality, evidenced based, and innovative child protection programme that delivers
immediate and lasting change for children in Indonesia and contribute to Save the Children’s global Breakthroughs: Learn, Survive, Be Protected.

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