Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik seek Project Officer based in North Jakarta

Save the Children in Indonesia is changing for the better.  We’ve begun to build a national organisation that aims to be a strong, local, and self-sustaining voice for children in Indonesia
namely Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik Tunas Cilik.  To this end, Yayasan has been designated as a “Prospect Member of Save the Children” which focuses on strengthening and localizing our voice for children in strategic middle income countries.
Currently Save the Children’s programs in Indonesia is implemented by Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik. We work in eleven provinces, have staff of approximately 300 local professionals, and programming in Child Protection, Education,
Health and Nutrition, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Humanitarian Response. We are currently seeking to fill the following position:

PROJECT OFFICER – FUTSAL (Future Success Through Sport Awareness and Learning)

1 position, based in North Jakarta





Save the Children will soon implementing FUTSAL Project, funded by ARSENAL Foundation. The FUTSAL project aims to help young people
in North Jakarta to fulfil their potential and be empowered to raise awareness of, and promote children’s rights to development, safety and protection. 
It is expected that model RPTRA that embody child friendly principle as well as strategically designed and managed to address the rights of children on healthy development,
safety and protection, will be developed together with RPTRA committee and youth, and be adopted by RPTRA Steering Committee in Jakarta.We will work with Ruang Terpadu ramah
Anak (RPTRA) in North Jakarta to achieve three specific objectives:

Children to have access to effective and appropriate futsal program

local youth forums gain the life skills needed to build their confidence and capacity to advocate for their own needs for healthy development,
safety and protection, and to influence RPTRA management to address these needs in their operations

RPTRAs improve their operational systems to better cater to children’s need to healthy development, safety and protection as advocated
by youth forum



Please visit our site for more detail:http://indonesia.savethechildren.net/jobs

Updated CV and application letter should be sent to [email protected]

Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format:
<PO-FUTSAL ><your name>

Closing date for application is up to 8 August

(Only short-listed candidates will be notified)

Save the Children encourages qualified candidates to apply regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability

All recruitment practices and procedures reflect Save the Children’s commitment to protecting children from abuse

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