[DevJobsIndo] (Revised posting) RFP: BASELINE STUDY FOR SETARA PROJECT, North Jakarta

Save the Children is an international non-profit organization that
focuses on the fulfillment of children’s rights. Save the Children was
first established in May 1919 in the UK and to date has 28 Save the
Children offices and operations in more than 120 countries worldwide.
In 1976, Save the Children signed a MoU with the Ministry of Social
Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, followed by the operation of
Save the Children in Indonesia. Currently Save the Children in
Indonesia are working in 12 provinces with a variety of program areas
, including Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education ,
Health and Sanitation, Improved Livelihoods, Child Protection and
Disaster Risk Reduction.

Entering school year of 2015 – 2016; SETARA (Strengthening Education
trough Awareness and Reading Achievement) Project is currently at the
third year period of project implementation.

The project will be implemented in 20 primary schools in Cilincing
sub-district of North Jakarta and in 40 ECCE centres in Belu. To
select 20 schools among the current portfolio of 40 schools in
Cilincing, a transparent and participatory selection process has been
conducted. The 20 assisted schools are now selected and the program is
ready to start. Save the Children will conduct some assessments prior
to the implementation:  QLE survey, baseline study and assessment for
parents and caregivers. The baseline study will be done together with
assessment for parents and caregivers in November 2015


Core Competencies

People Skills: Ability to work independently and as a team player who
demonstrates leadership.
Communication Skills: Well developed written and oral communication
skills. Able to communicate clearly and sensitively with internal and
external stakeholders.
Integrity: Works with trustworthiness and integrity and has a clear
commitment to Save the Children core values and humanitarian

Resilience/Adaptability and flexibility: Ability to operate
effectively under extreme circumstances including stress and harsh
living conditions. Works and lives with a flexible, adaptable and
resilient manner.
Awareness and sensitivity of self and others: Demonstrates awareness
and sensitivity to gender and diversity. Have experience and the
ability to live and work in diverse cultural contexts in a culturally
appropriate manner.
Work style: Is well planned and organized even within a fluid working
environment and has a capacity for initiative and decision making with
competent analytical and problem solving skills.
Knowledge and skills: Knowledge of current best practice in
participatory assessment, design monitoring and evaluation. Can use
all relevant computer technology
Have experiences, preferably within Save the Children working area

Proposal Requirements

Language in English

Format proposals may be submitted electronically. (Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, and PDF). The applicant may fax the signed cover
The document should be on A4, single-spaced with one-inch margins, and
12-point font with times new roman
Length, The proposal should not exceed 20 pages. There is no limit on
the length of spreadsheets associated with the cost estimates or on
any annexes.
Annex Material

For more information please visit :


Consulting firm must submit their proposal to us by 3 November 2015, 4
pm Jakarta time through email: Procurement.[email protected] with a subject: BASELINE SETARA Year 3 –
<your company/ name>. Please send your proposal to this email only.

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