Vacancy Annnouncement : Consultant for Capacity Assessment for the National Coordination Team for South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Indonesia.
Project: South-South and Triangular Cooperation –
Networks for Global Governance” (SSTC/NGG)
Activity Capacity Assessment for the National
Coordination Team for South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Indonesia
Estimation of
Contract: April – July 2016,
up to 32 working days
Station: Jakarta,
Indonesia is playing an important role on the international stage. As an
active member of the G20, the Global Partnership for Effective Development
Cooperation (GPEDC) and the High-Level Panel on the Global Development
Framework beyond 2015, the country has taken responsibility in shaping global
policies. One key element of this development is the heavy engagement of
Indonesia in the area of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) which
also directly corresponds to the Sustainable Development Goals; goal 17 in
To further improve the coordination and also to develop binding
standards for the related institutions in implementing their programs in SSTC,
a National Coordination Team for South-South and Triangular Cooperation (NCT)
has been established. This team comprises of the Ministry of National
Development Planning (Badan/Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan
Nasional/BAPPENAS), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kementerian Luar Negeri,
KemLu), the Ministry of Finance (Kementerian Keuangan, KemKeu) and the Ministry
of State Secretariat (Kementerian Sekretariat Negara, SetNeg).
Since its establishment in 2010, the National Coordination Team (NCT)
has successfully developed coordination mechanisms between its member
ministries, line ministries and other relevant partners and stakeholders.
Through the establishment and continuous development of the NCT Indonesia has
been able to strengthen its international position in the SSTC sector. Further,
the current Medium-term National Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka
Menengah Nasional/RPJMN 2015-2019) defines SSTC as one of the priorities of the
country and strengthening of the capacity and capability of the NCT members as
one of the strategies for the reinforcement of Indonesian SSTC.
The NCT reached a vital point of its development where an overview over
achievements and challenges is conducive to its further progress. During a
meeting of the NCT-members it was agreed to examine NCT’s capacities and
experiences in order to facilitate institutional learning. It was agreed that
the joint Indonesian-German Cooperation project SSTC/NGG will support NCT in
this activity.
A. Purpose of the Consultancy Assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to provide both strategic and
operational technical assistance and advisory services to the NCT in assessing
its capacities, achievements and lessons learnt. The technical assistance will
focus on the organizational and operational levels of the NCT in order to
identify capacity needs and to formulate capacity development strategies.
B. Scope of the Consultancy
1. Master plan and mandate of NCT;2. Organisational structure, processes and procedures of NCT for
coordination, communication and cooperation between NCT members;3. Approaches, processes and procedures of coordination, cooperation and
communication of NCT with external actors (e.g. line ministries, think tanks,
development partners) as well as planning, implementation and M&E of NCT
implemented SSTC projects;4. Outline of a capacity development strategy based on the assessment.
C. TasksUnder the supervision of NCT and GIZ, the tasks
of the short-term expert include but are not restricted to the following:
To support the organization
of a Kick-Off workshop and act as resource person.
To review international and
national policies regarding the SSTC sector and the NCT;
To recap mandate and master
plan of the NCT in the context of national and international SSTC.
To support NCT to examining
the current formal management system and organizational structure of NCT and
Secretariat also against the recent international developments (e.g. 2030
To provide comprehensive
recommendations and a strategy for developing institutional and operational
capacities, competencies and procedures.
D. Expected Deliverables
Preparing the
Kick-Off Workshop and acting as resource person presenting objectives, methods
and expected results of the Capacity Assessment;·
Recap of
SSTC relevant national policies/documents and its effects on the NCT as
background information;·
(booklet or presentation, etc.) achievements, lessons learnt and performance
gaps regarding NCT’s internal coordination and cooperation mechanisms
(including organizational structure, processes and procedures);·
(booklet or presentation, etc.) achievements, lessons learnt and performance
gaps regarding NCT’s external coordination and cooperation mechanisms including
implementation procedures for SSTC projects;·
and categorizing of external NCT partners on strategic and operational level, national
and international (e.g. civil society, academia, private sector, public sector,
line ministries, centers of excellence, etc.);·
comprehensive short- and medium-term capacity development program with
practicable activities and support interventions to bridge the institutional
and operational capacity needs at Secretariat and NCT level identified in the
event for relevant parties;·
report, including executive summary.
C. Required
qualifications, competences and experience
- Graduate degree with five (5) years of experiences or
post-graduate degree with minimum three (3) years of experiences in
International Development Studies or Public Policy or other relevant
discipline; - At least five
(5) years of experiences in International Development Cooperation (IDC) in
developing countries working with governmental and international
organizations; - Thorough
knowledge of and experiences with laws, policies and regulations
concerning IDC and SSTC, nationally and internationally; - At least five
(5) years of working experiences with organizational development and
institutional change concepts - At least five (5) years of experiences in developing capacity
development strategies;
- At least five
(5) years of experiences in carrying out capacity assessments; - At least three
(3) years of experiences in project/program management; - Deep
understanding of formal and informal procedures, structures and administration
of Government of Indonesia; - Proficient in
data collection/analysis, report/publication writing and results
presentation; - Fluency in
Bahasa Indonesia and English (written and oral communication); - Excellent
interpersonal and negotiation skills and ability to liaise and communicate
effectively in the Government context; - Previous professional
experience abroad, e.g. Europe, US and/or Asia is an asset.
Other knowledge / competences / Requirements
- Indonesian
national; - Willingness to up-scale tasks as required after prior agreement;
- Strong managerial and organisational competence.
Duty Station: Jakarta
Tentative Start of Assignment: April 2016 until July 2016, up to 32 working days
The details of the assignment will be further discussed and agreed by
the two parties.
Kindly send your comprehensive resume and salary
expectation to [email protected] with CA-NCT code as email subject by 31 March 2016.
For further information please contact Mr.
Mickael Hoelman at [email protected].