[DevJobsIndo] RFP: Consultant for Baseline Study Program School Based DRR, North Jakarta
This baseline study is conduct at the beginning of the implementation
of Save the Children DRR-PRESTASI (Pengurangan Risiko Bencana di
Sekolah Terintegrasi) program. PRESTASI is three years programs, with
projects main objectives are to:
Ensure that local education authorities, schools and children have
increased capacity to develop and implement School Based Disaster Risk
Reduction approaches.
Increase the capacity of participating communities to prevent, prepare
for, and mitigate disaster risk through community-based Disaster Risk
Reduction approaches.
Increase the local and national government knowledge of, capacity for,
and commitment to School Based Disaster Risk Reduction.
Save the Children DRR-PRESTASI would be focusing on student grade 4,
teachers, headmasters, parents and school committee as school
community as well as community and local governments to “To Strengthen
the Disaster Preparedness and Resilience Primary School Students in
North Jakartaas program goals”.
To measure achievement of the three program objectives, we are going
to do a base line study by collecting information of beneficiaries’
knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP). Relevant program
implementation should fit with beneficiaries’ needs, to be in line
whit that baseline survey is needs to implement. Baseline surveys are
implementing to identify knowledge attitude and practice in School
Based Disaster Risk Reduction context.
For more detail please visit :
Consulting firm must submit their proposal and institution experience
form in a sealed envelope by 30 October 15, before 2 pm Jakarta Time
to below address:
You can send an electronic copy of your proposal and Power point
presentation material to:
[email protected] with a Subject: DRR-PRESTASI
– <your company/ name>
with the latest date: 30 October, 2015 at 5 pm . Jakarta Time.
Please do not send before this date.