RFP : Consultant for Project Documentation Education for Youth Empowerment Program- Save the Children Bandung

Save the Children’s Education Youth Empowerment project being implemented
in Bandung, Indonesia aims to help student in vocational school low to access
safe and preferred employment by providing market relevant skills training,
counseling and linkages to internship/job and self-employment opportunities.
Save the Children conducts a highly localized Labor Market Assessment (LMA) in
each project area in order to identify relevant sectors and the specific job
opportunities that would be available for youth after graduating from the
program. While each geographic area. Over the past two years, the program has
identified a number of sectors that stand out as having strong potential for
job creation and absorption of trained youth in the long term. The program also
conducted many training for teacher in vocational school to improve quality of
vocational school. The project also give intervention for youth club at
vocational school to improve capacity of the students in vocational school.


The objective of this
activity are :

To document
project activity

To share lesson learnt, success
story and best practice


The Consultant has agreed to

1.      Conduct FGD with the student.

2.      Interview the student, alumni, teacher,
company and the other stakeholder related with the project.

3.      Write and collect material of writing
related with the project

4.      Collect some document of the project (such
as photos, picture, etc)

5.      Concept the book’s content

6.      Layout and design the book

To come up with those working scope, selected consultant should at least
meet this following qualification:

Experience in develop project documentation and produce a book

Have good analytical and written skills

Experience on
writing article, essay are preferred

Experience in
designing and layout a book

Qualified person shown by CV and references



The consultants shall receive fee as compensation for services
and product as follows:


of the book

for layout and design of the book


file ( pdf format)

For more information please visit : https://indonesia.savethechildren.net/jobs/job-details/337


Consulting firm or individual must submit their proposal and the Expression
of Interest
form (attached) and institution experience form to : [email protected] with a Subject: Project
Documentation EYE- <your company/ name> with the latest date: before  January 19, 2016 at 05.00 PM Jakarta Time as the latest. Please do not send after this date.

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