Local Capacity Strengthening Consultant – APRO-BANTU II-002


USAID’s Health Technical Assistance Project (BANTU II) is a five-year project awarded to INTEGRA in partnership with FHI 360. BANTU II provides specialized technical assistance to support USAID Indonesia’s health programs and the Government of Indonesia, sub-national government, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, and research institutes.

As a follow-up to BANTU I, BANTU II is the next-generation health sector support mechanism designed to enable USAID to continue providing practical and adaptive technical assistance while accelerating local ownership and Indonesian self-reliance goals. BANTU II will be strengthening the capacity and sustainability of USAID local partners so that these organizations can better fulfil their mandates to improve health outcomes in Indonesia.

To build and sustain the capacities of local organizations in Indonesia, BANTU II will coordinate a diverse pool of professionals and organizations with specialized expertise that may be lacking in the health systems but are critical to the success of Indonesian public health programs. In 2024, USAID has highlighted that capacity strengthening focus should be directed to six direct USAID implementing partners that receive or will soon receive USAID resources to work in Indonesia’s health sector. Note that these organizations have all been deemed grant-worthy through the NUPAS but may have gaps and special award conditions that need to be filled, specific for each partner.

To support these partner, BANTU II will provide advanced training and mentoring. In preparation of this, BANTU II is developing a directory of potential capacity building providers (both individual consultants, firms and non-profit organizations) who will be able to deliver advanced capacity building and mentoring for the selected partners on topics related their needs.

As part of startup activities, BANTU II is looking for a Local Capacity Strengthening Consultant to support the Capacity Strengthening Advisor and the International Capacity Strengthening Consultant in preparing and delivering a suite of technical assistance offerings that strengthen the organizational capacities of targeted partners. Tasks include capacity assessment of potential partners and tools for capacity strengthening; selection and monitoring of successful applicants, development and/or assembling of capacity strengthening assessment, training and mentoring tools, facilitate and review capacity assessments of BANTU II partners; and provision of training and/or mentoring TA to targeted CSOs.

This consultancy is subject to project award and funding.

Scope of Work (SOW)

  • Develop SOWs for consultant roster and selection and monitoring of successful applicants.
  • Develop and/or assemble a suite of capacity strengthening assessment, training and/or mentoring tools that will be utilized in Year 1 of the program.
  • Review of NUPAS, workshops with management, staff and board on capacity needs.
  • Provide direct training and/or mentoring to targeted CSOs on Year 1 capacity strengthening topics.


  • Capacity mapping of potential partners and tools for capacity strengthening; selection and monitoring of successful applicants.
  • Capacity strengthening assessment and report, training and/or mentoring tools.
  • Facilitation and review capacity assessments of BANTU partners.
  • Provision of training and/or mentoring TA to targeted CSOs.

Location of Work:  Remote in Indonesia.

Travel:  The consultant is expected to visit local CSOs in Indonesia to provide on-site technical assistance on an as-needed basis.


  • Minimum of Bachelor’s degree in a social science or social development field, or equivalent experience.
  • At least ten years of senior experience in developing project systems, institutional capacity development and change management.
  • Prior experience with a USG implementing partner is preferred.
  • Having experience and working with Government of Indonesia is preferred.
  • Solid understanding of project management principles.
  • Articulate, professional and able to communicate in a clear, positive manner with clients and staff.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesian are required.

 Evaluation Criteria:

Proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the following criteria:

Area Indicators Scale
  • Minimum of Bachelor’s degree in a social science or social development field, or equivalent experience.
35 (Max. Points)


  • At least ten years of senior experience in developing project systems, institutional capacity development and change management.
  • Prior experience with a USG implementing partner is preferred.
  • Having experience and working with Government of Indonesia is preferred.
  • Solid understanding of project management principles.
45 (Max. Points)
Cost ·       Daily rate in IDR 20 (Max. Points)
Total 100 points

 Timetable and Address for Submission

Proposals are due no later than 5:00 PM on Monday, April 8, 2024. Required documentation listed below must be e-mailed to [email protected]

Required Documentation: Proposals must include the following components:

  • Applicant’s CV.
  • Cover letter outlining experience
  • Proposed daily rate in IDR; and
  • 2 references, including contact information.

FHI 360 Disclaimers

  • FHI 360 may perform a background check on any selected Consultant candidates.
  • FHI 360 may cancel the solicitation and not award.
  • FHI 360 may reject any or all responses received.
  • Issuance of the solicitation does not constitute an award commitment by FHI 360
  • FHI 360 reserves the right to disqualify any offer based on failure of the offeror to follow solicitation instructions.
  • FHI 360 will not compensate any offeror for responding to solicitation.
  • FHI 360 reserves the right to issue award based on initial evaluation of offers without further discussion.
  • FHI 360 may choose to award only part of the activities in the solicitation, or issue multiple awards based on the solicitation activities.
  • FHI 360 reserves the right to waive minor proposal deficiencies that can be corrected prior to award determination to promote competition.
  • FHI 360’s supplier terms and conditions can be found here while our consultant terms and conditions can be found here.
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