[DevJobsIndo] Australian Embassy Jakarta vacancies

Dear All,

The Australian Embassy Jakarta welcomes applications for the positions of:

(LE6) Monitoring, Evaluation and Communications Manager
(LE4) Project Support Officer

The closing date will be Sunday, 15 November 2015.

The duty statement including the selection criteria is available on this link http://indonesia.embassy.gov.au/jakt/JV-LE6-MEC_Manager.html (for the M&E; and Communications Manager) and http://indonesia.embassy.gov.au/jakt/JV-LE4-Project_Support_Officer.html (for the Program Support Officer.

Please be advised that all applicants should ensure their applications consist of CV (including two referees) and a document/file for their answer on how they meet each of the selection criteria. Applications which do not address the selection criteria will not be considered for interview.



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