Looking for Consultants for Need Assessment Food Estate Project!
Job Description
The main objective of the assignment is to conduct an assessment into the needs of 200 local farmers involved in the Food Estate in North Sumatra to provide insight into how their involvement, agricultural capacity, practices and income can be increased. The needs assessment will inform what model of organisation can address the needs of the farmers and increase their involvement in the Food Estate. It describes what further support will be needed to establish these organisations, and to cause that the 200 local farmers will have increased organisational, financial and business management capacity. This further support will therefore enable farmers to access and implement the technological expertise, knowledge and capacity development and business opportunities that are provided by the other Dutch companies and institutions in the Food Estate.
Guiding Questions
To provide insight into how the involvement, agricultural capacity, practices and income of local farmers in the Food Estate can be increased the guiding question for the need assessment is:
What are the needs of local farmers in the Food Estate in North Sumatra and how can their involvement, agricultural capacity, practices and income be improved?
With the following sub questions:
- What is the social economic status (including income levels, education, previous profession, land ownership, and farming practices) of the 200 local farmers that are currently involved in the Food Estate programme?
- What do the 200 local farmers need (in terms of knowledge, skills, services, finance, type of crops, market access & linkage etc.) to be able to improve their agricultural capacity, practices, and income?
- What do the 200 local farmers identify as barriers to be fully involved in the Food Estate programme? And what do they identify as factors that can improve their level of involvement?
- What do local community members (who are not yet involved as farmers on the food estate) identify as barriers and opportunities to become involved in the Food Estate programme?
- What model of organisation could address the needs of the farmers and increase their involvement in the Food Estate?
Expected Results
The results of the needs assessment will be the following:
- Routine briefs on key information relevant to the project
- Documentation of meetings and project mission.
- Data analysis of household survey, FGDs and interviews.
- Initial organizational analysis.
- Final report of the needs assessment including recommendations written in English.
- Presentation of the report to different stakeholders such as the Dutch Embassy, Marves and FEM.
Job Requirements
The consultant or the team should have:
- Proven experience in conducting needs assessments, particularly in the agricultural sector.
- Sensitivity in working with government agencies and an embassy
- Expertise in socio-economic analysis and organizational development.
- Familiarity with the local context in North Sumatra and the Food Estate approach
- Strong communication and reporting skills in both English and Indonesian.
- Highly organized and able to work your way through multiple players of administration and stakeholders.
Potential Methodology & Timeline (can be discussed)
Date | Programme | Responsibility |
Week 1-2 | 0. Team formation and instrument setup
Cooperative Advisor (CA) of Agriterra and assessment team |
Week 3-9 | 1. Surveys, FGDs and interviews
Assessment team |
Week 10- 11 | 2. Initial organisational analysis
Assessment team and CA Agriterra |
Week 12 – 13 | 3. Final report and presentation
Assessment team and CA Agriterra |
How to Apply
Interested consultants are required to submit a proposal that includes a detailed budget, a comprehensive plan outlining the methodology and timeline, and specific delivery requirements for each phase of the assessment. Proposals should show the consultant’s understanding of the project objectives and the local context, and their ability to execute the tasks within the stipulated timeframe. All submissions must be received by the 8th of September 2024 and sent to [email protected]. If you have any questions, please contact Aditya Saptadjaja at +62851-8687-8364 or [email protected]