Individual Consultant to Conduct Landscape Analysis on Food and Nutrition Program

Individual Consultant to Conduct Landscape Analysis on Food and Nutrition Program
To be conducted between (July – September 2024)

I.1. About the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is a Swiss-based foundation launched at the United Nations in 2002 to tackle the human suffering caused by malnutrition. Working with both governments and businesses, we aim to transform food systems so that they deliver more nutritious food for all people. In particular, we aim to make healthier food choices more desirable, more available, and more affordable. GAIN’s mission is to advance nutrition outcomes by improving the consumption of nutritious and safe food for all people, especially the most vulnerable to malnutrition.
GAIN believes the challenge is to transform food systems so that they do much more to improve the consumption of safe nutritious food by the people who need it most. Indeed, transforming our food systems to make them work better for people’s nutrition and health is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity in the 21st century. This challenge has framed our three interlinked strategic objectives:
1) to improve the demand for safe and nutritious foods,
2) to increase the availability and affordability of safe and nutritious foods, and
3) to strengthen the enabling environment to improve the consumption of safe and nutritious foods.

I.2. Background on the GAIN in Indonesia
In Indonesia, GAIN has supported the Ministry of Health (MoH) programs since 2013 in various projects such as Behaviour Change Intervention using emotional demonstration (emo-demo) in East Java province, fortification, adolescent nutrition, urban governance for nutrition, and many others. The collaboration continues until now and has brought impacts to the community.
Government commitment to nutrition remains high The Indonesian government’s commitment to nutrition programs in Indonesia remains high, which can be seen through the stunting reduction program and also with future program plans, namely providing free lunches to preschool and school children as well as pregnant women.
Despite making significant strides, Indonesia still faces a triple burden of malnutrition and challenges to ensure the availability, accessibility, and demand of safe and nutritious food from a sustainable food system especially for vulnerable people. Therefore, GAIN Indonesia plans to support the government in finding the best practices/model for effective implementation of nutrition programs that are implemented through the health system which are identified by GAIN would be the supplementary feeding program in the community health center, school meals, and demand creation Since those programs would be inline with the campaign program of the new selected president in 2024 and part of GAIN Indonesia focus programs of nourishing food pathways.
GAIN Indonesia plans to assess the current situation in the 2 targeted areas with high vulnerable food security based on Food Security and Vulnerability atlas by National Food Agency (BAPANAS) and sources data from Ministry of Health. The proposed area is located in Urban (possibility is Lebak in Banten Province) and in Rural area (possibility is in Eastern Indonesia), and then design and pilot several approaches in the supplementary feeding program, school meals program, and demand creation program. based on the findings and insights from the assessment. Interventions may include strengthening the national-subnational coordination (central government down to primary health centre), capacity building and developing standard operating procedures (SoP), and providing input and tools that are needed, etc. These interventions may then lead to an eventual increased utilization of locally resourced food, as well as bringing in additional economic value to the local community in a demonstration of a circular economy approach that also contributes positively to nature.

The primary objective of the consultation work is to conduct a landscape analysis, comprising a literature review, stakeholder mapping, and a field-based assessment, which appraises the gaps and opportunities of either a single specific or multi-stakeholder approach of the supplementary feeding program, school meals, and demand creation in targeted areas. The literature review will cover the current status of those topics. supplementary feeding program, school meals, and demand creation. This analysis would ultimately inform and reinforce the strategic direction of GAIN Indonesia’s programmatic activities in this area. Stakeholder mapping and field assessment will focus on supplementary feeding, school meal, and demand creation.

1. Scope of Work
The individual consultant will be supervised by the GAIN Head of Programs and work closely with GAIN’s Development Office and Country Program Team in conducting the landscape analysis in 2 selected areas (one urban area and one rural area) in Indonesia which will be used as the basis for program proposal development. She/he will need to engage with both internal (GAIN country and global team) and external key actors (relevant government institutions, community leaders, public sector) and conduct field assessments. The landscape analysis shall broadly consist of three synergistic components: 1) a desk review of existing evidence, literature, and documentation; 2) a mapping of key stakeholders and the policy landscape; and 3) a field-based assessment of stakeholders’ needs and priorities
Below are some of the example research Questions to be answered:
1. What are the most appropriate e concepts and working procedures of the Penta helix sector in providing safe and nutritious food at the national, provincial, district/city levels, sub-districts, and up to villages/sub-districts taking into account the availability of resources in local
2. What is relevant supporting infrastructure for the provision of safe and nutritious food for the supplementary feeding program with consideration of the interaction with other existing programs e.g School Meals and Demand creation
3. What is the most appropriate technique for training and coordination of key stakeholders working in the supplementary feeding program
4. What is the most appropriate monitoring and evaluation system for program implementation down to the village level, including the possibility of using a digital-based system

1.1 Specific Tasks
To support the delivery of the objective of this consultancy work, the consultant will:
• Develop a work plan for this assignment to be agreed upon with the GAIN team
• Conduct desk review to further inform the landscape analysis
• Conduct a mapping analysis of the current key actors in the supplementary feeding program, school meal, and demand creation. in the targeted district including its program and activities and their roles and responsibilities
• Conduct a mapping analysis of the current regulations/policies and identify the gap for enabling the cross-sector program convergence
• Lead the field assessment which consists of in-depth interviews and FGDs with relevant key stakeholders (location to be determined by GAIN).
• Develop the final report of the Landscape analysis with recommendations for future programming

1.2 Activity-Wise Guidance
Desk Review
The desk review should comprise a thorough assessment of evidence on current programs of supplementary feeding, school meals, and demand creation, with cross-cutting issues of youth and gender, climate and environment as well as social protection in Indonesia. It should assess the current status, efficiency, and effectiveness of the program model, and potential for improvement, drawing on global sources of evidence when appropriate. Sources of evidence may include, but are not limited to:
• Academic publications, documents, reports, working papers, etc., from implementing organizations and development-sector actors
• Policy documents and legislation from Government agencies/Ministries
• GAIN program and project documents

The desk review should, in part, yield insights that can be used to develop and refine data collection tools and protocols for the subsequent mapping exercises and fieldwork.

Stakeholder & Policy Mapping
The landscape analysis shall include a thorough mapping of key stakeholders and policies/regulations relevant to the implementation of improved supplementary feeding models in Indonesia. The stakeholder mapping exercise should include multisectoral actors across categories, including government, non-government, and civil society organizations (Penta helix), as well as key donors and other implementation/development partners. The mapping exercise should weigh the various roles played by each actor and articulate their relative interest in and potential influence over supplementary feeding programs in Indonesia.
The policy mapping exercise should provide a high-level appraisal of how supplementary feeding programs are addressed and articulated in various policies and policy frameworks in Indonesia at the national level, and sub-national level(s) when appropriate. The mapping may include one or more detailed case studies or “deep dives” that enable a greater understanding of how policy implementation in this area is approached by relevant lawmakers and ministries. The mapping should take into account points where supplementary feeding programs interact with other programs such as school meals and demand creation.

Field-Based Assessment
Stemming from the desk review and mapping exercises, the landscape analysis should include primary field data collection on key gaps and opportunities for improving supplementary feeding programs at the ground level. The field assessment should center around a series of qualitative research activities (such as focus group discussions, key informant interviews, rapid ethnographies, etc.) that seek to enrich the literature review and mapping outputs with nuanced perspectives from stakeholders and decision-makers.
GAIN will support the service provider to identify the relevant key stakeholders to engage in the field assessment, based on the results of the desk review and mapping exercises.

Final Reporting
The final report of the landscape analysis should include the following:
• Detailed but practical documentation of the primary methodologies used to collect and analyze data from various sources
• Concise, practical documentation of key findings from each of the three complementary activities
• Robust grounding of findings within the context of existing evidence and the socio-political context of Indonesia, citing relevant sources as necessary
• Clear, evidence-based recommendations for further interventions with the greatest potential impact or greatest needs in the supplementary feeding program to strengthen the existing program in consideration of the interaction with other existing programs (if any) such as school meal and demand creation derived from identified gaps and opportunities and linked to specific evidence from the landscape analysis

2. Estimated Duration of Contract
The consultancy assignment will be conducted for around 1 month August to September with the submission of the report in early Sep 2024 for maximum of 21 working days

3. Key Deliverables
As outlined in the table below, the consultant is expected to complete and submit the following deliverables against the indicative schedule. A detailed time and payment schedule will be agreed upon with the consultant before signing the contract and grant agreement.

No. Deliverables/Outputs Level of Effort Review & Approvals Timeline
1. Inception/work plan and methodology for the assessment and/or gap analysis with clearly defined timelines and outputs presented to GAIN 1 working day GAIN
2. Kick-off Meeting, Presentation of the work and discussion with GAIN, and revision of the work plan 1 working day
3. 4 working days GAIN August
4. Conduct Field Assessment in 2 Districts/City (Interview and FGD) 6  working days GAIN August
5. Data analysis and triangulation (results of literature review and field assessment) 3 working days GAIN August
6. Drafting and submission of the first draft of assessment 3 working days GAIN August
7. Presentation and discussion with GAIN on 1st draft report 1 working day GAIN August
8. Revision and submission of Final Report 2 working day Early September
Total number of days (max) 21


4. Key Roles and Responsibilities
4.1. GAIN Responsibilities
▪ Provide background information and contact details of internal and external key stakeholders.
▪ Provide information on the Food System Summit and its related activities.
▪ Provide detailed feedback on all the deliverables sent by the consultant
▪ Transfer payments as per the agreed contract and based on approval of deliverables

4.2. Consultant Responsibilities
The consultant will conduct the assignment by fulfilling the contractual arrangements in line with the ToR

5. Budget
The consultant should provide the budget proposal which will be assessed by GAIN

6. Required Qualifications
The consultant will be selected based on the following set of skills and competencies:
• Strong experience in conducting assessments, particularly in the health/nutrition space
• Familiarity with the food and nutrition context of Indonesia, including knowledge of existing programs and policies, and stakeholder networks.
• Significant professional experience in policy development and planning work within a government setting that involves public-private engagement
• Key understanding of food systems transformation approaches
• Excellent written, and analytical skills
• Proven ability to work collaboratively as well as independently, manage multiple priorities, be oriented, and demonstrate initiatives
• Able to travel within Indonesia

7. Submission Process and Evaluation Criteria
Proposals for this engagement must be sent by email to [email protected] with the subject line ‘Consultant for Landscape Analysis Food and Nutrition’ not later than midnight (5 August 2024)
The following requirements are requested in the proposal.
• One-page quotation including:
o Suggested allocation of days for each specific task listed for this consultancy
o Comments or suggestions on the TOR
• Resume (to be reviewed against the required qualifications above)
• Cover Letter highlighting suitability and confirming availability for a given timeframe
• Two references

8. Confidentiality
All information provided as part of the proposal evaluation process is considered confidential. In the event that any information is inappropriately released, GAIN will seek appropriate remedies as allowed. Proposals, discussions, and all information received in response to this TOR will be held as strictly confidential.

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